The Social Market Foundation is Britain’s leading cross-party think-tank, standing proudly in the centre-ground of politics since 1989.  We bring together people of all parties and none to develop evidence-based policies that support a fair society and a strong economy.


Ask the Expert: Maximilian Kasy and Lukas Lehner on universal job guarantee

Universal job guarantee is a government policy that ensures every citizen who wants employment can obtain a job. In this blog, Jake Shepherd interviews University of Oxford economists Maximilian Kasy and Lukas Lehner to discuss the benefits of a successful job guarantee scheme in Austria, and its implications for UK policymakers.

Published: 07 June 2024
Author: Jake Shepherd

Supply, demand and Nigel Farage: is there really any difference between the Conservatives and Labour over immigration policy?

With immigration set to be one of the key issues of the election campaign, Jonathan Thomas sets out the similarities and differences between Labour and Conservatives on immigration policy - and how they could change during the campaign.

Published: 05 June 2024
Author: Jonathan Thomas

Winter bills crisis will be early test for the next government

A falling price cap, given worsened weather and global supply chain shocks, won't be enough to households in need with the respite on bills that they need. With both main parties promising cheaper energy bills, whoever wins in July should be bold on addressing our failing energy bill support schemes and fix the roof while the sun shines.

Published: 24 May 2024
Author: John Asthana Gibson
Media Release

‘Fix universities’ overreliance on international students to improve long-term financial sustainability’, think tank says

Recent restrictions to international students coming to the UK haven’t addressed universities’ dependence on them for core funding, and risk worsening outcomes for all students, think tank says.

Published: 24 June 2024
Media Release

The Social Market Foundation responds to the Labour Party manifesto

The Social Market Foundation has reacted to the Labour Party manifesto, as well as specific policies – including those on housing, taxes, net zero and immigration and skills.

Published: 13 June 2024
Media Release

The Social Market Foundation responds to the Green Party manifesto

The Social Market Foundation has reacted to the Green Party manifesto, as well as specific policies – including those on social housing, transport and net zero.

Published: 12 June 2024