
Ask the Expert Series: What are the key policy challenges facing the social care workforce?

Our Ask The Expert series, in association with the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), brings academic research on public policy into the heart of Westminster. In this seminar we were joined by Jill Manthorpe, Professor of Social Work and Director of the Social Care Workforce Research Unit at Kings College London.

In this talk Professor Manthorpe addressed the key workforce issues confronting employers, central and local government, as well as individuals who need treatment, care and support. She discussed what we know about the workforce and the key policy questions facing the sector. These include the role of the state, in regulation, wage levels and training funds, in addition to the role of individuals and families who are the main providers of care and support. Governments face competing demands here – in wanting families to care, yet wanting labour market participation. Squaring this circle is one perennial policy challenge – but also faces families across the land.


Chair: James Kirkup, Director, Social Market Foundation

Speaker: Prof Jill Manthorpe
Professor of Social Work and Director of the Social Care Workforce Research Unit, King’s Policy Institute, King’s College London

About the speaker
Jill is one of the UK’s leading experts on the health and social care workforce. Until recently this was said to be larger in size than the Red Army, now it might be more accurately compared to the Indian Railway workforce. It ranges in status and value from ‘angels’ to ‘devils’. We are very likely to be in it or to have a family member working in these jobs, no matter where we live or what our income might be. Jill has undertaken many studies of the workforce which often conclude that it is important to be specific about it, to avoid generalities and to seek evidence rather than anecdote.  She is Trustee of a leading care home provider and has had family caring roles.

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