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Homes, health, and COVID-19: how poor housing adds to the hardship of the coronavirus crisis

Written by: Amy Clair, ESRC Research Centre for Micro-Social Change, Institute for Social and Economic Research, University of Essex

Published: 02 April 2020
Author: Amy Clair

Brexit and the public finances

In this blog we look at the possible impact of Brexit on Government targets for the public finances, including deficit reduction and borrowing. We find that the impact leaves many of the spending suggestions made during the referendum campaign unfunded.

Published: 28 June 2016

Chalk + Talk – Digital Campaigning: Where is it happening? Who does it reach? And does it work?

...interesting results. In the US, where 17% of population reported direct online contact from parties, the demographics of engagement are largely the same for both online and offline campaigning methods....
Published: 13 March 2015

How a points-based system could mean better immigration policy

In other countries, points-based systems which govern immigration for work have encouraged a culture of greater empiricism, a willingness to review outcomes, learn from them and adapt immigration policies accordingly. Will the UK have a similar experience?

Published: 03 March 2020

The Government has committed to a review of the 2005 Gambling Act. Here’s what that review should look like.

The 2005 Gambling Act was designed to regulate gambling, in all its forms. But 15 years later, the world has changed, and gambling has changed too: bookies’ shops on the high street are fading, as gambling goes online. And a gambling law written before the first iPhone went on sale is clearly no longer fit for purpose.

Published: 06 August 2020
Author: Jake Shepherd

Labour party conference fringe event 2019: Ripped off by robots? How can we ensure the technological revolution in consumer markets delivers benefits for all?

...use technologies to identify consumers’ individual ability to buy and adjust the prices accordingly. Briffett stated this can work at the disservice of consumers both online and offline. Online shoppers...
Published: 23 October 2019
Author: Barbara Lambert

Institutional racial discrimination in schools

In Britain, racial discrimination starts early. Black children are more likely than white peers to be excluded from school and face in-class discrimination.

Published: 26 June 2020
Author(s): Amy Norman, Jake Shepherd

Why are low income consumers paying for the cost of crime? health of the nation (2017) [xiv] HTTPS://WWW.ABI.ORG.UK/PRODUCTS-AND-ISSUES/TOPICS-AND-ISSUES/FLOOD-RE/FLOOD-RE-EXPLAINED/ [xv] [xvi] [xvii] [xviii] See for example, Alan J. Auerbach, The choice between income and consumption taxes: a primer (2006)  ...
Published: 01 April 2019

Politicians are not talking about…the fraud epidemic

...NCA. Fraud. (2019). Accessible at: [5] NCA. Public Private Threat Update Economic Crime Key Judgments. (2019). Accessible at: [6] HMICFRS. Fraud: Time to choose – An inspection of...
Published: 09 December 2019
Author: Richard Hyde
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