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All Publications Press & Media Events Commentary & Podcasts Party Conferences

Chalk + Talk with Professor Rachel Gibson – Digital Campaigning: Where is it happening? Who does it reach? And does it work?

...whether or not they work in terms of mobilising voters and generating electoral support. Professor Rachel Gibson will review findings on whether online campaigning methods work and how their effectiveness...
Published: 12 February 2015

Discrimination on Airbnb

Roland Rathelot, research associate at the Centre for Competitive Advantage in the Global Economy (CAGE) at Warwick University launched his report about discrimination and ethnicity on the online property platform...
Published: 10 November 2016

Ask the Expert: Brexit – A pyrrhic victory for euroscepticism?

...relations, most recently working as a Senior Fellow of the ‘UK in a Changing Europe’ programme. He tweets, blogs and podcasts frequently on these issues: for more information visit
Published: 20 April 2017

Ask the Expert Series: Brexit and Northern Ireland

...taught extensively on human rights law and policy and is currently leading an ESRC funded project on the consequences of Brexit for Northern Ireland ( Follow the series on Twitter...
Published: 03 October 2018

Playing the Field: Consumers and competition in banking

...slow and expensive. The ultimate goal of competition is consumer benefit, and consumers’ own behaviour is changing. With technology making it easier to manage money online and new options like...
Published: 18 June 2015

The future of think tank communications

...think tanks can develop and strengthen our output to adapt to an increasingly digital future. The event will be streamed live online. To register for online streaming, please visit the...
Published: 26 April 2013

Back to the dark ages? How to combat antimicrobial resistance

...limit the use of anti-microbials to counteract increasing resistance to them? What can we expect from the pipeline of new drugs?   Online Ticketing for Anticrobial Resistance powered by Eventbrite...
Published: 19 March 2015

“Guided by the science”: the purpose of scientific advice after the Coronavirus pandemic

...Hon Greg Clark MP, Chair, Science and Technology Select Committee Chair: James Kirkup, Director, Social Market Foundation This is an online event. Please register your place via the Eventbrite button...
Published: 03 July 2020

A Future State of Mind: Facing up to the dementia challenge

...patient and clinician perspectives. The research proposes new policies to better incentivise the health system to diagnose dementia earlier. Online Ticketing for Social Market Foundation Dementia Report powered by eventsbrite...
Published: 13 December 2012
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