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Media Release

PRESS RELEASE: New research reveals Britons still prefer the bank branch for complex transactions, despite rise in online and mobile banking transactions online. Perhaps surprisingly, older consumers are more likely than average to manage their money completely online, while fewer younger consumers behave in this way than might be expected....
Published: 28 January 2016
Media Release

Online gambling should face £100 a month cap on spend

Gamblers should be protected by a new £100-a-month cap on spending to limit the harm that can be done by online gambling, a think-tank recommends today.

Published: 05 August 2020

Rt Hon Nick Gibb MP, Minister for School Standards, delivers speech on knowledge-rich curriculum to the Social Market Foundation

...‘Matthew Effect’, drawing on Matthew Chapter 25: “For to everyone who has, more shall be given, and he will have an abundance; but from the one who does not have,...
Published: 22 July 2021
Media Release

New “Minister for Competition” needed after Brexit

A new “Minister for Competition” should be appointed as part of a post-Brexit overhaul of Britain’s competition laws, a think-tank says today.

Published: 31 July 2018
Media Release

Pensions guidance gap fuels £132bn savings shortfall

• More than two thirds of UK 50–64-year-olds don’t know how much they'll need for retirement
• Only a fifth of 50–64-year-olds have spoken to a financial adviser about their pension
• Only 14% of people accessing a defined contribution pension pot for the first time seek free guidance from Pension Wise

A clear majority of people approaching retirement don’t get advice or guidance on how to build up and use a pension, leaving many confused, anxious and at risk of missing out on a better quality of living in later life, a new study shows today

Published: 22 February 2022
Media Release

Voters and businesses support online court hearings

Most voters and businesses back the continued use of online court hearings as part of the modernisation of the justice system, a think-tank says today.

Published: 14 June 2022
Media Release

NHS should let British patients consult cheaper online doctors from Singapore

Allowing Singaporean doctors to prescribe medicines to British patients could ease pressure on local GPs and help poorer people access medical care, a think tank argues today.

Published: 03 March 2024
Media Release

Most GPs can’t offer video consultations for coronavirus response

Britain’s response to the coronavirus outbreak will be hampered by GP practices’ slow uptake of technology, a think-tank has said.

Published: 10 March 2020

Watch ‘The Social Market and its Discontents’ online

On 15 April Social Market Foundation Director Ian Mulheirn took part in a Political Quarterly debate on ‘The Social Market and its Discontents’, exploring how social market can offer the...
Published: 23 April 2013
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