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Balancing Bricks & Click: Understanding how consumers manage their money

...small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Managing money online Most consumers (70%) are happy to carry out simple, day-to-day tasks like checking their balance or paying bills online. A majority are...
Published: 28 January 2016
Author: Katie Evans

Guaranteeing a rapid recovery

...boards targeting groups poorly served by more generic websites, such as those with disabilities and those seeking a first job. Online crowdfunding to help homeless individuals gain skills and employment....
Published: 20 September 2021
Author: Scott Corfe

Gambling review and reform: towards a new regulatory framework

The Government has described the need to bring an “analogue Act” into line with the “digital age.” Online gambling – increasing both in popularity and profitability – is not subject...
Published: 05 August 2020
Author(s): Dr James Noyes, Jake Shepherd

A Verifiable Success

...prove your identity online. Yet physical passports, driving licences and utility bills are not easily used in an online environment. Around the world, forward-looking countries are embracing the opportunities offered...
Published: 10 September 2017
Author: Scott Corfe

Banking on access: Ensuring access to banking in a digital age

KEY POINTS The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated change in how we bank. According to our survey, close to two-fifths (38%) of current account holders were using online banking a lot...
Published: 22 June 2022
Author(s): Scott Corfe, Richard Hyde, Bill Anderson-Samways

Insuring a return

...wide range of evidence – existing studies, new online surveys of employers and employees, in-depth interviews with businesses and insurance industry data. The SMF commissioned two online surveys from Opinium...
Published: 27 May 2021
Author(s): Scott Corfe, Richard Hyde, Kishan Rana

Competition, not Concentration

...asymmetry removed from consumer markets. If it is possible to sign-up online to a product, such as a pay TV or broadband service, it should be possible to unsubscribe online....
Published: 31 July 2018
Author: Scott Corfe

Branching Out: The evolution of retail banking

...the most to consumer banking’s current and future income – suggests that online and mobile technologies have the potential to unlock cheaper services for consumers, either at their existing banks...
Published: 03 March 2014
Author(s): Emran Mian, Cormac Hollingsworth

A Guiding Hand: Improving access to pensions advice and guidance

...advice should be made the default, given the complexity of decision-making at the point of accessing a pension pot. Annuity income estimates based on an online pensions calculator for an...
Published: 23 February 2022
Author(s): Scott Corfe, Matthew Oakley, Joe Ahern
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