Category Archives: Media Release

Press & Media

New “Accelerator Zones” could boost UK regions – Conservative MPs

The proposal is put forward by Conservative MPs Bim Afolami and Laura Trott in a briefing paper published by the Social Market Foundation – a cross-party think-tank. (See Note 1)...
Published: 21 February 2021
Press & Media

Chancellor should adopt a “pub relief” to support hospitality and save lives

The Social Market Foundation is proposing that the Chancellor uses new Brexit freedoms to restructure how the UK taxes alcohol, with drinks sold in shops and supermarkets made more expensive...
Published: 19 February 2021
Press & Media

Food parcels outrage should spark Whitehall debate on the benefits of cash transfers

Ministers should consider giving people cash instead of providing them with benefits-in-kind such as food parcels, sanitary products and school laptops, a think-tank has suggested. The Social Market Foundation said...
Published: 01 February 2021
Press & Media

Create new ‘Health Hubs’ for high streets after the pandemic

The Social Market Foundation says that the closure of high street stores and changes to office occupation should prompt a rethink about better ways to deliver public services including healthcare...
Published: 19 January 2021
Press & Media

Covid warnings aren’t an effective obesity strategy

The Social Market Foundation found that warnings about the potential health risks Covid-19 poses to people with obesity and overweight are largely ineffective as anti-obesity policies.  Instead of basing policy...
Published: 13 December 2020
Press & Media

16% of children missed meals due to hardship during pandemic

The Social Market Foundation’s findings suggest that more than 1.9 million children have gone short of food amid this year’s economic turmoil. And overall one in four children, 3 million in total, faced...
Published: 09 December 2020
Press & Media

Fixing Britain’s broken asylum system means taking more refugees

The Social Market Foundation says that, despite public rows over Home Secretary Priti Patel’s rhetoric on asylum and illegal migration, there is significant common ground between refugee campaigners and ministers...
Published: 30 November 2020
Press & Media

Crackdown on “low-quality degrees” worthless without proper assessments

The Social Market Foundation think-tank said ministers should be wary of only looking at the earnings of graduates as the definitive measure of “quality”. A better and more comprehensive measurement...
Published: 19 November 2020
Press & Media

Covid unemployed need big new training package

The Social Market Foundation said that a “disastrous” 50% decline in adult education funding over the last decade had left many low-wage workers poorly prepared for economic change and will...
Published: 12 November 2020
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