Commentary & Podcasts

Labour party conference fringe event 2019: Ripped off by robots? How can we ensure the technological revolution in consumer markets delivers benefits for all?

Too many markets work poorly for low-income consumers, who face poverty premiums on their purchases and a restricted choice of products and services.  New technology promises to offer new products...
Published: 23 October 2019
Author: Barbara Lambert
Party Conference 2019

Conservative conference fringe event 2019: Why the Conservatives need a new story on immigration

In partnership: Policy@Manchester. Immigration policy remains high on the national agenda – but with the electorate’s views shifting on the subject, does the Conservative stance on immigration need a rethink?...
Published: 23 October 2019
Party Conference 2019

Conservative conference fringe event 2019: Getting the UK retirement ready in the age of auto-enrolment and pension freedoms

Sponsor: Institute and Faculty of Actuaries. This event, held with the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries, focused on the recent changes pension policy, auto-enrolment has created millions of new savers,...
Published: 23 October 2019
Party Conference 2019

Conservative conference fringe event 2019: Delivering on promises to Further Education

Sponsor: Further Education Trust for Leadership (FETL) Boris Johnson has made a bold promise to do better for FE and the people who rely on it. What can government, business...
Published: 09 October 2019
Party Conference 2019

Conservative conference fringe event 2019: Brexit: Does Britain need a deal with the EU?

Held in partnership with the UK in a Changing EU. This event held with the UK in a Changing EU think tank asked a simple question: Does Britain need a...
Published: 07 October 2019

A ban on private schools – the end of education inequality?

This week’s Labour Party Conferences voted for a promise to ban private schools, committing the party to "integrate" independent schools into the state sector. Whilst the policy may be popular with Labour members attending conference, it has come under fierce criticism from commentators.

Published: 27 September 2019
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