Commentary & Podcasts

Party Conference 2019

Conservative conference fringe event 2019: Brexit: Does Britain need a deal with the EU?

Held in partnership with the UK in a Changing EU. This event held with the UK in a Changing EU think tank asked a simple question: Does Britain need a...
Published: 07 October 2019

A ban on private schools – the end of education inequality?

This week’s Labour Party Conferences voted for a promise to ban private schools, committing the party to "integrate" independent schools into the state sector. Whilst the policy may be popular with Labour members attending conference, it has come under fierce criticism from commentators.

Published: 27 September 2019

Let’s reform alcohol tax to save lives

Let’s reform alcohol tax to save lives

Published: 27 September 2019
Author: Scott Corfe

Policycast Podcast – Episode 3: Pour Decisions? The Case for Reforming Alcohol Duty

James Kirkup and Scott Corfe discuss a new report from the SMF on the case for reforming the UK's alcohol duty system.

Published: 09 September 2019
Author: Barbara Lambert

How the other half learn

Having spent almost 20 years of my career at Westminster among politicians, journalists and officials, I’m struck by how political conversation is so utterly dominated by people who did A-levels and then went to university.

Published: 30 August 2019
Author: James Kirkup
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