
Ask the Expert Series: How can policymakers better address mental health outcomes for men and boys?

With suicide being the leading cause of death among men under 50 in England and Wales, there has rightly, in recent years, been a rising awareness of mental health issues that affect young men and boys.

During Mental Health Awareness week 2019, the SMF brought together a panel of expert academic researchers and policymakers to discuss how we can better tackle poor mental health in men and boys.

The Rt Hon Norman Lamb MP
Professor Ann John, Professor of Public Health and Psychiatry, Swansea University
Professor Ellen Townsend, Professor in the School of Psychology, The University of Nottingham

The discussion was chaired by the SMF’s Director, James Kirkup, and introduced by the ESRC’s Director of Research, Professor Alison Park.

Re-watch the livestream here

The SMF’s Ask The Expert series, in association with the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC); a part of UK Research and Innovation, brings academic research on public policy into the heart of Westminster. Follow the series on Twitter via @SMFthinktank and @ESRC#SMFask


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