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Household energy: a long-term funding proposal

This briefing presents a long-term solution for keeping consumer energy companies afloat through the current crisis while limiting the financial burden on taxpayers, drawing upon the structure of the Brady Plan which helped to successfully resolve the 1980s sovereign debt crisis.
Published: 01 September 2022
Author: Michael Johnson

Working lives: Experiences of in-work poverty in London

In the debate over in-work poverty, the human costs of living on low incomes often get lost. Our in-depth interviews with people in work and living below the poverty line present new insight into the experience of in-work poverty in London.
Published: 27 July 2022
Author(s): Richard Hyde, Jake Shepherd

Childcare costs and poverty

Childcare costs in the UK are contributing to poverty and gender inequality. As part of our cross-party Commission on Childcare, we're publishing new analysis on the extent of the childcare crisis - the impact of being dragged out of the labour market to look after children has a long-term, scarring effect on wages. We'll be engaging with stakeholders and developing policy solutions in Autumn.
Published: 21 July 2022
Author: Scott Corfe

The NHS: Decline and fall, or resurrection?

The NHS is in serious decline, plagued by extensive and deep-seated issues and facing immense pressures from the pandemic and Brexit. In this briefing, Lord Warner sets out a change programme that could reverse the decline – involving radical but necessary steps.
Published: 04 July 2022
Author: Lord Norman Warner

Banking on access: Ensuring access to banking in a digital age

The shift towards digital banking, accelerated by the pandemic, creates many opportunities and offers benefits for the economy as a whole – but also brings with it some risks. This report explores future access to retail banking services, and the best way to ensure any such changes take place fairly and sustainably, and no one is left behind.
Published: 22 June 2022
Author(s): Scott Corfe, Richard Hyde, Bill Anderson-Samways

Future-proofing justice: Making the civil and criminal courts world-leading by 2030

In recent decades the civil and criminal courts of England and Wales have demonstrated significant failings. These are causing considerable individual, societal and financial detriment and undermining the rule of law. This report surveys the current state of the courts and the likely impact of the current modernisation programme and outlines an agenda for reform that goes beyond the existing plans – in order to ensure that the UK’s courts are world-leading by 2030.
Published: 15 June 2022
Author: Richard Hyde

On Borrowed Time: Future Generations and the Net Zero Transition

The transition to a net zero economy raises questions about when costs should be paid, and by whom. This paper aims to set out a plain-language summary of how to think through two questions with critical implications. How much should we pay now, to avert future costs? And how should we pay, given a choice between carbon pricing and borrowing?
Published: 14 June 2022
Author(s): Bill Anderson-Samways, John Hobby

Putting British success on the menu: Time for a UK alternative proteins strategy

This report calls on the UK Government to adopt a comprehensive policy stance on alternative proteins.
Published: 10 June 2022
Author: Linus Pardoe

Right time, right place: improving access to civil justice

This paper discusses access to civil justice in England and Wales, and how policymakers can create a better functioning and more equitable system.
Published: 23 May 2022
Author: Aveek Bhattacharya