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Media Release

Revealed: Cutting fuel duty helps the rich, not White Van Man

Cutting fuel duty does little to help “strugglers and strivers” while mostly benefiting people on the highest incomes, a think-tank shows today.

Published: 12 March 2023
Media Release

SMF responds to Chancellor Hunt’s Spring Budget 2023

The Social Market Foundation's response to the Spring Budget 2023 follows below.

Published: 15 March 2023
Media Release

900,000 families on heat networks at risk of impending energy crisis

Some households have seen bills rise by as much as 700%, and more could be in line for pain without a timely response, the Social Market Foundation warns today.

Published: 23 May 2023
Media Release

Three-fifths of British people have tried to cut down on meat

Politicians are lagging behind public opinion on the need to reduce meat consumption and promote animal welfare, a think tank warns today.

Published: 14 September 2023
Media Release

‘Educators need to improve leadership quality or continue to lose talent’

Schools, colleges and universities need to improve their leadership and management to avoid a worsening retention crisis, a think tank has warned today.

Published: 16 November 2023
Media Release

Government urged to end postcode lottery in social tariffs

Standardising discounts given to vulnerable customers on essential products – like water, broadband and energy – can help eliminate postcode lottery in social tariffs.

Published: 28 September 2023
Media Release

Banning no-fault evictions would not harm rental sector, research shows

Housing Secretary Michael Gove risks renters’ rights and wellbeing by delaying a ban on no-fault evictions based on false claims that Britain’s rental sector would collapse, a think tank warns.

Published: 08 November 2023
Media Release

5 million people driven into poverty by transport costs

Transport costs are keeping 5 million people (8% of the UK population) below the poverty line, first-of-its-kind tracker shows today. Without measuring ‘transport poverty’, we can’t address families’ cost of living burdens, think tank warns.

Published: 15 November 2023
Media Release

Covid unemployed need big new training package

Workers losing jobs in the pandemic desperately need a major overhaul of adult skills and training services to help them find new work and avoid falling into poverty, a report says today.

Published: 12 November 2020
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