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Rides and responsibilities: Understanding the needs and preferences of those who work in the gig economy

This report builds a picture of the needs and experiences of those doing gig work and how they compare to those in more traditional forms of work. The findings have implications for how policymakers can address the concerns of gig economy workers, as well as for how the platforms should behave towards them.
Published: 29 November 2021
Author(s): Aveek Bhattacharya, Jake Shepherd

Gendered experiences of obesity: Narrowing gender gaps in prevention and treatment

This report explores gendered experiences of obesity in the UK , examining how obesity rates differ between men and women, the drivers of these trends and the extent to which policy aimed at reducing obesity rates needs to be gender specific.
Published: 23 November 2021
Author(s): Scott Corfe, Jake Shepherd

Unlocking the potential of ethnic minority businesses: Tackling the barriers to success

The report analyses the specific barriers facing BAME businesses and entrepreneurs from reaching their full potential, by offering policy direction to government agencies on multiple levels, as well as prompting financial providers to alter their behaviour account for community and entrepreneur-specific needs.
Published: 23 November 2021
Author: Richard Hyde

Did no one call the plumber? Analysis of the Heat and Buildings Strategy’s approach to skills and workers

This briefing paper analyses the Government’s recent Heat and Buildings Strategy, published last month, insofar that it provides clarity, direction and support for the workers who would deliver the decarbonisation of home heat and thus play a key role in the UK’s Net Zero plans.
Published: 18 November 2021
Author: Amy Norman

A healthier future: How to make general practice work better for everyone

This is a collection of essays about general practice in England and its future. The authors offer analysis and prescriptions based on expertise developed working in fields including medicine, NHS management, economics and the Civil Service.
Published: 08 November 2021
Author: Social Market Foundation

Law and the open economy: Securing the future of English law and civil justice system for 21st Century prosperity

This report lays out the evidence for the need for modernisation of the law and minimally effective legal institutions to enhance UK's prosperity and global competitiveness, and presents recommendations that will aid this project.
Published: 03 November 2021
Author: Richard Hyde

Unlocking the gridlock: How a more democratic planning system can help fix the housing crisis

This publication examines the inadequacies of the current planning system in providing necessary levels and quality of housing, and urges that any reforms must focus on giving local residents authority over developments in their area - to help fix the housing crisis.
Published: 25 October 2021
Author: Social Market Foundation

Road to ruin? Public attitudes towards road pricing as an alternative to the current fuel duty regime

This briefing sets out new public opinion data on one - often deemed controversial - proposal for reforming Fuel and Vehicle Excise Duty: road-pricing.
Published: 15 October 2021
Author: Scott Corfe

Signal failure: How can we get more value and less waste from our education system?

This paper discusses the issue of signalling in education – the possibility that some forms of education may do little directly to improve learners’ skills and effectiveness, but may be used primarily to demonstrate or ‘signal’ their pre-existing traits or ability.
Published: 30 September 2021
Author(s): Aveek Bhattacharya, Chris Percy