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Media Release

Childcare: the good, the bad, the uncertain

The Government’s new childcare voucher scheme is welcome news for many middle- and high-income parents with children under the age of five struggling with the high costs of childcare: polling...
Published: 19 March 2013

GPs should work more closely with other services – and not be asked to solve wider social problems

So much is now defined as “medical”, requiring and getting a medical intervention, that the system is overwhelmed. In this essay, Tim Howard argues for why the role of the GP needs to be clarified (and subsequently better resourced) such that they can effectively treat key medical issues, whilst directing more deep-rooted problems to the appropriate institutions.

Published: 08 November 2021
Author: Tim Howard

Drugs and deprivation: How drug policy reform can help support Levelling Up

Deprivation is strongly correlated with drug misuse and its consequences. In this blog, SMF Senior Researcher Jake Shepherd, and Jay Jackson, Head of Policy & Public Affairs at drugs policy think tank Volteface, discuss drugs and deprivation in the UK, and how better, bolder drugs policies can help to boost regional equality.

Published: 13 November 2022
Author(s): Jake Shepherd, Jay Jackson

The Work Programme: Why we should be worried by the DWP’s overoptimism

Today’s NAO report on the introduction of the Government’s flagship Work Programme scheme to get the people back to work is scathing. While Chris Grayling said that it is based...
Published: 24 January 2012
Media Release

PRESS RELEASE: New research finds offsetting new National Living Wage will force businesses to choose between boosting worker productivity and cutting costs

...of median earnings by 2020 (or around £9.30) The NLW adds a premium (or supplement) to the National Minimum Wage for all workers aged 25 and over. Workers under 25...
Published: 15 February 2016

Flexible New Deal: Making it Work

...will aim to find more effective ways to help more than 200,000 long-term unemployed people into work each year. Under FND, after 12 months of unemployment, claimants will be referred...
Published: 04 September 2008
Author(s): Ian Mulheirn, Verena Menne

Competition, not Concentration

...asymmetry removed from consumer markets. If it is possible to sign-up online to a product, such as a pay TV or broadband service, it should be possible to unsubscribe online....
Published: 31 July 2018
Author: Scott Corfe
Media Release

Public dislike of ‘unfair’ fuel duty opens the door to road-pricing – think-tank

Public dislike of “unfair” fuel and road taxes is now so high that people would prefer to see a new system of road pricing put in place instead, new research shows today.

Published: 15 October 2021

Briefing for the beach: Home Office

Across the summer the Social Market Foundation will be publishing policy briefings from our Director, Emran Mian. We welcome feedback, so if you'd like to get in touch about anything discussed in the briefing, please contact

Published: 22 August 2016
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