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Media Release

Local Government in 2040: councils must embrace risk and change to survive

A new report by the Social Market Foundation think tank, supported by leading public sector insurer Zurich Municipal, says that councils will have to change how they operate if they are to cope to with a range of challenges and risks facing them and the communities they serve.

Published: 12 July 2017
Media Release

Paying for what works: new drug system could save NHS money and get medicines to patients faster

Changing how the NHS buys drugs could deliver better outcomes for patients and value for money, says a new report from the Social Market Foundation think tank.

Published: 23 July 2017
Media Release

Failure to invest in early years provision risks creating “lost generation” and hitting social mobility, warns senior Labour MP

Just £250 million - or 2.7% – of the extra £9bn funding which the government has set aside for early years provision during this Parliament will reach the most disadvantaged children, according to a new report by senior Labour MP Lucy Powell, and published today by the Social Market Foundation think tank.

Published: 31 August 2017
Media Release

Consumers and the economy are getting a bad deal because companies don’t face enough competition

Consumers are paying higher prices and getting worse service than they should do because the markets that matter the most to them aren't competitive enough, new research has found.

Published: 02 October 2017
Media Release

‘Green recovery’ needs quick wins to deliver household savings and jobs

Promises of a “green recovery” from the Coronavirus downturn must offer quick and tangible financial benefits and job opportunities, or the Net Zero agenda could face a backlash from voters, a report argues today.

Published: 03 July 2020
Media Release

Institutional neglect: 50,000 children in care where council services are failing

Almost 50,000 vulnerable children are being cared for in areas where council services are failing them, a think tank has revealed.  

Published: 19 August 2018
Media Release

Use Facebook data to fix faulty immigration estimates

Use Facebook data to fix faulty immigration estimates

Published: 09 January 2019
Media Release

Leave voters need better Further Education, more than free trade deals

Better further education services and leadership are more important to Leave-voting parts of Britain than free trade deals after Brexit, a think-tank says today.

Published: 04 April 2019
Media Release

Neglected Further Education faces “exodus of talent”, think-tank warns

Teachers are deserting Further Education in an exodus of talent that could hurt poor students and leave the sector without effective leadership in the coming years, a think-tank has warned.

Published: 21 June 2019
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