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A productivity silver lining? How COVID-19 has boosted tech uptake amongst SMEs

In this post, we reflect on our recent Ask the Expert event on the future of small businesses after the pandemic, held in partnership with UK Research and Innovation.

Published: 25 January 2021
Author: Linus Pardoe
Media Release

โ€˜One clickโ€™ cancellation plan to end telecoms rip-offs

Think tank says โ€˜Big Threeโ€™ broadband giants face same anger as โ€œBig Sixโ€ energy firms

Published: 20 September 2018

A Guiding Hand: Improving access to pensions advice and guidance

...advice should be made the default, given the complexity of decision-making at the point of accessing a pension pot. Annuity income estimates based on an online pensions calculator for an...
Published: 23 February 2022
Author(s): Scott Corfe, Matthew Oakley, Joe Ahern

Cooking on gas? Estimating the potential savings of reduced household energy demand

Rising energy prices mean that many people will be cutting back on their gas consumption this winter. In this blog, Jake Shepherd estimates the financial savings households and the Government could make by reducing demand, using energy saving efforts in Germany as a benchmark.

Published: 07 November 2022
Author: Jake Shepherd

Insuring a return

...wide range of evidence – existing studies, new online surveys of employers and employees, in-depth interviews with businesses and insurance industry data. The SMF commissioned two online surveys from Opinium...
Published: 27 May 2021
Author(s): Scott Corfe, Richard Hyde, Kishan Rana
Media Release

PRESS RELEASE: Government should back a new ‘Active Consumer Week’

...time and money. Expanding and completing the government’s Midata initiative and using this to empower consumers by offering a ‘one stop shop’ online for all of their consumer data, enabling...
Published: 03 October 2015
Media Release

Cost-of-living: Nearly 3 in 10 find essentials difficult to afford, despite most shopping around

Nearly 30% of people find it difficult to afford essentials โ€“ like groceries, broadband and insurance โ€“ despite most people shopping around for better prices, a think-tank reveals today.

Published: 17 August 2023
Media Release

โ€˜Fraudemicโ€™: Six in ten want tech giants to reimburse fraud victims

Nearly six in ten (57%) people say tech giants โ€“ like Meta and TikTok โ€“ should share responsibility for reimbursing fraud victims with banks and building societies as โ€˜fraudemicโ€™ sees one in ten targeted.

Published: 14 September 2023
Media Release

Priced out โ€“ Poor people giving up insurance due to โ€˜poverty premiumโ€™

Over half (55%) of people in poverty are finding it difficult to pay for their insurance amidst the cost-of-living crisis โ€“ leading some to give up insurance as they prioritise food and energy bills, new report warns today.

Published: 12 March 2023
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