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Media Release

Eating less cheap chicken is the key to animal welfare, think tank says

Over a billion factory farmed chickens are being killed for consumption in the UK every year, new research from the Social Market Foundation shows today.

Published: 25 May 2023
Media Release

Public sector workers in London more likely to be in poverty than in other parts of the UK

Nearly 140,000 Londoners that live in a household relying on a public sector wage are in poverty, a think-tank says today.

Published: 07 June 2023
Media Release

10 million in ‘missing middle’ face bills crisis as Treasury cuts energy support 

Over 10 million people will be left facing financial crisis over energy bills if Treasury support for bills is restricted to people in the benefits and pension system, new research from a cross-party think-tank reveals today.

Published: 16 November 2022
Media Release

‘Fast tracking asylum seekers into work to fill labour shortages requires a differentiated approach’

Asylum seekers from a “green list” of countries such as Afghanistan and Syria should get the right to work in the UK as soon they make their claim, a think-tank proposes today.

Published: 24 July 2023
Media Release

Politicians must overcome ‘nanny state’ worries to improve Britain’s health

Policymakers that want to boost the country’s stalling life expectancy and reduce yawning health inequalities are doomed to fail unless they get over their aversion to bans, taxes and regulation, a think tank warns today.

Published: 27 July 2023
Media Release

Britain to run out of electric vehicle mechanics by 2030

Britain will run out of mechanics to service the growing number of electric vehicles on its roads by the end of the decade, warns a think-tank today.

Published: 07 December 2022
Media Release

SMF responds to Government Food Strategy

The Social Market Foundation responds to the Government’s Food Strategy, out today.

Published: 13 June 2022
Media Release

German-style energy reduction drive could save £400 for families – and £9bn for Treasury

A German-style national drive to reduce UK energy use by turning off lights and lowering heating temperatures could save households £400 and save the Treasury £9 billion, new analysis shows today.

Published: 07 November 2022
Media Release

UK is card fraud capital of Europe – think tank

The UK is the card fraud capital of Europe – most victims per 1000 people and the losses are highest, a think tank says today.

Published: 03 August 2022
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