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The SMF #FridayFive: 4 December 2015

This week’s #FridayFive from the Social Market Foundation has a tax theme inspired by today’s release from the Fabian Society.

Published: 04 December 2015
Media Release

‘Fix universities’ overreliance on international students to improve long-term financial sustainability’, think tank says

Recent restrictions to international students coming to the UK haven’t addressed universities’ dependence on them for core funding, and risk worsening outcomes for all students, think tank says.

Published: 24 June 2024
Media Release

More people would prefer their children to learn a trade than go to university – poll

More people (48%) would prefer their child to get a vocational qualification after leaving school instead of attending university (37%) or starting work (8%), a think-tank has found.

Published: 22 April 2021
Media Release

Paying for what works: new drug system could save NHS money and get medicines to patients faster

Changing how the NHS buys drugs could deliver better outcomes for patients and value for money, says a new report from the Social Market Foundation think tank.

Published: 23 July 2017
Media Release

Neglected Further Education faces “exodus of talent”, think-tank warns

Teachers are deserting Further Education in an exodus of talent that could hurt poor students and leave the sector without effective leadership in the coming years, a think-tank has warned.

Published: 21 June 2019
Media Release

Government urged to end postcode lottery in social tariffs

Standardising discounts given to vulnerable customers on essential products – like water, broadband and energy – can help eliminate postcode lottery in social tariffs.

Published: 28 September 2023
Media Release

Skills crisis holding back 7 in 10 SMEs from scaling up

Nearly 7 in 10 (69%) SMEs say that recruiting and developing adequately skilled staff is their biggest barrier to growth, a think tank reveals today.

Published: 26 September 2023
Media Release

Social Market Foundation: Corbyn ban will just push more workers onto one-hour contracts

...working for an employer– this would reward employee loyalty.” -ENDS-   NOTES TO EDITORS Data taken from the Office of National Statistic’s Labour Force Survey: Zero-hours contracts data tables:
Published: 21 April 2017
Media Release

Covid unemployed need big new training package

Workers losing jobs in the pandemic desperately need a major overhaul of adult skills and training services to help them find new work and avoid falling into poverty, a report says today.

Published: 12 November 2020
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