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Media Release

Help families to lose weight together to tackle childhood obesity crisis – think-tank

Families should be at the heart of a new wave of place-based interventions designed to turn the tide of Britain’s childhood obesity crisis, a think-tank report on adolescent obesity says today.

Published: 13 December 2021
Media Release

‘Set up National Replication Institute to speed up scientific progress and boost economic growth’

Overhauling UK’s research infrastructure and funding system can improve the reliability of scientific research and kick start the economy, a think tank argues today.

Published: 30 July 2023
Media Release

UK should follow Australian model to get better regulation

The UK lags behind the likes of Australia, EU and USA when it comes to checking whether regulations are working as intended, says head of independent better regulation watchdog.

Published: 12 December 2023
Media Release

Majority support ‘nanny state’ policies to improve Britain’s health outcomes

Brits largely support public health interventions like bans on advertising, regulating food prices, and affordability limits on gambling, a think tank shows today.

Published: 14 September 2023
Media Release

Food security is as vital as energy security, says Labour rising star Andrew Pakes in call for new national food plan

The next government should develop an ambitious national food plan to drive economic growth and ensure that UK supply chains are more resilient to future shocks, says Labour and Co-op parliamentary candidate.

Published: 20 March 2024
Media Release

Public sector could save £300m by tackling restrictive cloud licensing

A new report shows that the public sector could save £300m that is lost through restrictive software rules.

Published: 03 July 2024
Media Release

‘Scrap all pensions tax relief and NICs rebates, replacing them with ‘savings bonuses’, top pensions expert says

...bonuses should be paid on individual and employer (post-tax) contributions, capped at £2,500 per year. A bonus rate of 25% would apply to all savings up to £10,000, more than...
Published: 09 June 2024
Media Release

‘Labour can pledge to triple social homes built by raising £4bn through housing ‘fairness taxes’, think tank says

Labour’s pledge card should include a substantial expansion in social housing construction, funded by taxes on overseas owners, vacant homes and house-flipping, according the Social Market Foundation.

Published: 20 May 2024
Media Release

‘Slim down GCSEs to reduce curriculum overload’, think tank says

While there is scope to remove content from England’s national curriculum, this is unlikely to reduce the burden on students and teachers without reforming exams, according to a paper published today by the Social Market Foundation.

Published: 07 May 2024
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