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Media Release

Local Government in 2040: councils must embrace risk and change to survive

A new report by the Social Market Foundation think tank, supported by leading public sector insurer Zurich Municipal, says that councils will have to change how they operate if they are to cope to with a range of challenges and risks facing them and the communities they serve.

Published: 12 July 2017
Media Release

Energy bill crisis: Majority backs welfare boost for hardest-hit

The energy crisis is driving a shift in public opinion where a majority of voters now want more generous targeted financial support for households struggling with their finances, new polling reveals today.

Published: 25 August 2022
Media Release

SMF responds to Chancellor Huntโ€™s Spring Budget 2023

The Social Market Foundation's response to the Spring Budget 2023 follows below.

Published: 15 March 2023
Media Release

New law to push bosses to give workers a raise

Company directors should be put under a new legal duty to turn rising profits into increased wages and training for staff, a think-tank says today.

Published: 11 October 2019
Media Release

Use cash to help illegal migrants leave Britain

All illegal immigrants should be offered cash and other support to voluntarily leave Britain and rebuild their lives and set up businesses in their home countries, a think-tank tank recommends today.

Published: 02 December 2019
Media Release

Consumers and the economy are getting a bad deal because companies don’t face enough competition

Consumers are paying higher prices and getting worse service than they should do because the marketsย that matter the mostย to them aren't competitive enough, new research has found.

Published: 02 October 2017
Media Release

Three-fifths of British people have tried to cut down on meat

Politicians are lagging behind public opinion on the need to reduce meat consumption and promote animal welfare, a think tank warns today.

Published: 14 September 2023
Media Release

Revealed: Cutting fuel duty helps the rich, not White Van Man

Cutting fuel duty does little to help โ€œstrugglers and striversโ€ while mostly benefiting people on the highest incomes, a think-tank shows today.

Published: 12 March 2023

For more than 1 million Britons, access to food is not a recent challenge, but a familiar concern

...value of raw food for human consumption in the UK; it is thus a gauge of how easily we can “feed ourselves” as a country. 2. 3.  ...
Published: 26 March 2020
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