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All Publications Press & Media Events Commentary & Podcasts Party Conferences

Digital identity verification opportunities voting in British elections? How can Government ID verification systems be improved to address economic and social exclusion? Speakers: Scott Corfe, Chief Economist, Social Market Foundation Paul Naldrett, OT-Morpho...
Published: 31 August 2017

Chalk + Talk with Karel Williams: Why can’t the Brits think straight about railways?

...register for this event please fill out the Eventbrite registration below. Online event registration for Chalk + Talk with Karel Williams – Why can’t the Brits think straight about railways?...
Published: 05 May 2015

Chalk + Talk with Professor Julian Le Grand: Privatisation and Public Services

...innovations include the Pupil Premium Social Work Practices, and Patient Buets.   Online event registration for Chalk + Talk with Julian Le Grand: Privitisation and Public Services powered by Eventbrite...
Published: 02 February 2015

Parliamentary Address on Inclusive Growth by Angel GurrΓ­a, OECD Secretary-General

...This event will be held in partnership with the All Party Parliamentary Group on Inclusive Growth.   Online Ticketing for Parliamentary Address by Angel Gurria OECD Secretary-General powered by Eventbrite...
Published: 09 February 2015

The Future of Integrated Care

...This event will bring together influential voices and practitioners from across the health, social care and political spectrum.   Online Ticketing for The Future of Integrated Care powered by Eventbrite...
Published: 03 March 2015

Wealth in the Downturn: Winners and Losers wealth has been uneven, with significant consequences for the financial resilience of individuals and households.   Online Ticketing for Wealth in the Downturn: winners and losers powered by Eventbrite...
Published: 03 February 2015

Chalk + Talk with Claire Crawford – The University Challenge: Social Mobility and Higher Education

...lunchtime seminar series, run in partnership with the ESRC. Chalk + Talk brings the best policy output from the world of academia into the heart of Westminster.   Online Ticketing...
Published: 08 January 2015

Chalk + Talk with Professor Eric Kaufmann – The White British Response to Ethnic Change: UKIP, White Flight or Integration?

Published: 27 October 2014

Branching Out: The evolution of retail banking

...through online and mobile channels, which has already been seen in other retail sectors, and the challenges involved in securing these. This research is kindly supported by Barclays. See our...
Published: 03 March 2014
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