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Affordable living: Alternatives to the traditional homeownership model

High house prices are putting homeownership out of reach for many, but rising rents and insecurity of tenure make the private rental sector an undesirable long-term option. This report – the fourth in our series on the problem of housing – looks at the role social and cooperative housing can play and what the UK can learn from other countries.
Published: 11 April 2024
Author(s): Niamh O Regan, Jamie Gollings

Life beyond bars: Learning for life after prison

Education is central to prisoner rehabilitation, but take-up of it has been in decline and is still not back at even pre-pandemic levels. This paper discusses the current state of education in prisons, and why it is failing to deliver on its aims of supporting employment and reducing reoffending.
Published: 05 April 2024
Author: Niamh O Regan

Let down: Rental regulations, subsidies and tenants’ rights across the English-speaking world

The UK’s private rental sector has grown since the 1990s, but long term renting is still not an attractive option for many due to high costs and limited renters’ rights. In this report, the third in our ongoing series, we present lessons for the UK from across the English-speaking world.
Published: 04 April 2024
Author(s): Jamie Gollings, Niamh O Regan

Fixing the roof while the sun shines: Improving energy bill support for the coming winter

With high energy prices remaining this winter there is still a strong case for providing energy bill support. This briefing looks at the potential for reforming the Warm Homes Discount to provide more targeted and generous support to help struggling households afford energy bills.
Published: 03 April 2024
Author(s): Sam Robinson, John Asthana Gibson

Data Protection and Digital Information Bill: A threat to fair markets and open public services

The Data Protection and Digital Information Bill, currently at Committee stage in the House of Lords, is set to undermine vital rights that protect vulnerable consumers and help workers understand how they are monitored by companies and public bodies. The Bill is a threat to fair markets and open public services.
Published: 20 March 2024
Author(s): Alex Lawrence-Archer, Ravi Naik

Pay and Morale Survey 2023 – Headline Report February 2024

Low pay and poor conditions have resulted in workforce challenges across the public sector, and the police force is no exception. This report, written in partnership with the Police Federation of England and Wales, collates the views of 28,000 police officers to present insights into the state of pay and morale on the police force.
Published: 20 March 2024
Author(s): Social Market Foundation, Police Federation of England and Wales

Home economics: Financial policies to increase homeownership

Homeownership is a dream for millions in countries across the Anglosphere, but rising prices have put that dream out of reach for many households. This report – the second in a series on the problem of housing – surveys homeownership challenges and policies in the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and Ireland to understand what has gone wrong and how we might fix it.
Published: 19 March 2024
Author: Gideon Salutin

Dwelling on it: Housing crises in the English speaking world

Countries across the English-speaking world are wracked by a housing crisis that is pushing the matter firmly up politicians’ agendas. This introductory paper – the first of a series of SMF reports on addressing the problem of housing – provides an overview of the scale of the crisis in homeownership, private renting, social housing and homelessness across the UK, Ireland, Australia, Canada and New Zealand.
Published: 13 March 2024
Author: Jamie Gollings

Fraudscape: The size of the fraud problem around the world

Fraud is not just a problem for the UK, it is a pressing issue for many countries around the world. Using data from 15 countries, this paper provides an aggregated picture of the scale of the ‘fraudemic’ being experienced by populations across the globe.
Published: 12 March 2024
Author(s): Richard Hyde, John Asthana Gibson