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Uncollected tax revenue – who is underpaying and what we should do about it

...taxpayers: only 2% of self-assessment taxpayers, around 200,000 people, account for £4 billion of the underpayment. This is equal to almost one penny on the basic rate of income tax....
Published: 11 June 2019
Author: Arun Advani

London coronavirus economy tracker – November 2020

Key findings: The latest claimant count data show unemployment continuing to rise in London. Between August and October, the claimant count increased by 1.2% in the capital, compared with a...
Published: 18 November 2020
Author(s): Amy Norman, Scott Corfe

Fixing a Broken Training System: The case for an apprenticeship levy

...funding of only £2567 available per apprentice. Currently, only two apprenticeship frameworks, out of more than 200, receive government support below £3000, meaning it will be impossible to meet the...
Published: 02 July 2015
Author: Professor Baroness Alison Wolf CBE

Flexible New Deal: Making it Work

...will aim to find more effective ways to help more than 200,000 long-term unemployed people into work each year. Under FND, after 12 months of unemployment, claimants will be referred...
Published: 04 September 2008
Author(s): Ian Mulheirn, Verena Menne

Falling off a Cliff

The Social Market Foundation’s 2017 report Living on the Edge highlighted the significant economic and social challenges facing Britain’s coastal communities. Low pay, lacklustre economic growth, bad health and poor...
Published: 22 August 2019
Author: Scott Corfe

Making apprenticeships work

...older. SMF analysis of the Labour Force Survey suggests that undertaking a Level 3 apprenticeship has no statistically significant impact on wages for those aged over 25. Those aged under...
Published: 27 March 2019
Author(s): Nicole Gicheva, Nigel Keohane, Scott Corfe

Co-Living: A Solution to the Housing Crisis?

...a micro-studio flat om a co-living space, individuals would be willing to pay up to 60% of the price of a one bedroom flat in an area.   [1]
Published: 26 February 2019
Author: Scott Corfe

Looked-after Children – The silent crisis

...2015-2016 it was estimated that approximately 39% of the children in secure training centres had been in care. Only 14% of LAC get 5 good GCSES. Almost 25% of the...
Published: 12 August 2018
Author: Matthew Oakley

What are the barriers to eating healthily in the UK?

...mixed messaging about healthy eating – this suggests that access to food stores is a barrier to eating well in some parts of the UK for some residents. [1]
Published: 12 October 2018
Author: Scott Corfe
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