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Media Release

UK has highest housing costs in the English-speaking world

Brits spend more on housing than their counterparts in New Zealand, Ireland, Australia and Canada – comparable countries that have similar housing crisis issues, Social Market Foundation think tank analysis finds.

Published: 12 March 2024
Media Release

1 in 5 people have been a victim of fraud in the last couple of years, international survey finds

Just over 1 in 5 (21%) of adults across UK and in 14 other countries around the world were defrauded between 2021 and 2023, a landmark survey finds.

Published: 12 March 2024
Media Release

1 in 5 local government managers question senior leadership’s effectiveness, say they are plagued by low morale and recruitment problems – Social Market Foundation survey finds

Over half (56%) of leaders and managers in local authorities believe their organisation isn’t ensuring accountability for failure, with the vast majority (69%) now reporting that critical management obstacles block them from doing their jobs.

Published: 25 January 2024
Media Release

Government urged to scrap £20bn New Hospital Programme and invest in specialist centres and GP-led care

The NHS should replace its traditional general hospital model to improve outcomes and reduce cost pressures, a pair of healthcare experts suggest today.

Published: 24 January 2024
Media Release

Young people need more ‘character education’ to succeed professionally, former Education Sec says

England’s education and careers system should introduce more ‘character’ development opportunities – building self-belief, determination, and resilience –to prepare young people for the fast-changing economy, says Baroness Morgan, Chair of The Careers & Enterprise Company (CEC).

Published: 22 January 2024
Media Release

Rushed bonfire of EU law could waste “golden opportunity” to improve business regulation

Government should extend December deadline to ensure retained EU laws are properly considered, says Harvard Senior Fellow and Regulatory Policy Committee Chair.

Published: 09 March 2023
Media Release

GPs must be pushed to work in poorest areas and ‘level up’ health – think-tank

GPs should be barred from taking up new jobs in wealthy areas and directed to work in deprived regions in order to “level up” health inequalities, a think-tank says today.

Published: 08 November 2021
Media Release

Alternative proteins could replace a third of meat by 2040

Plant-based, cultivated meat and fermented products could account for as much as a third of the meat we eat by 2040, but achieving such growth depends on effective government policy, a think tank finds today

Published: 13 November 2023
Media Release

‘A pot for life’ pension could mean bigger retirement savings and reduce the accumulation of multiple ‘small pots’

Government pensions proposals – sent out for consultation in last week’s autumn statement – have the potential to empower individuals, prevent them from having to keep track of multiple disparate pots and help them achieve better value for money.

Published: 13 December 2023
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