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A new safety net: guaranteeing jobs and training after the crisis

This briefing paper provides an overview of the case for Universal Job Guarantee, and why it should be harnessed in order to build and implement an effective social security system for life on the other side of our current crisis.
Published: 10 May 2020
Author(s): Kathryn Petrie, Jake Shepherd

Intergenerational fairness in the coronavirus economy

This briefing paper, written by Research Director, Scott Corfe, discusses the need for the economic costs of responding to coronavirus pandemic to be shared fairly across the generations.
Published: 14 April 2020
Author: Scott Corfe

Returning the favour: a new social contract for business

In this report, the SMF's Director, James Kirkup says businesses should agree a “new social contract” on improved tax compliance, treatment of workers and support for communities in exchange for emergency support during the coronavirus crisis.
Published: 30 March 2020
Author: James Kirkup

The parenthood penalty? Exploring gender, family and pay in London

This report, commissioned by Peabody, provides new insights into the lives of individuals living in London – in particular, with respect to their living standards and financial situation.
Published: 05 March 2020
Author: Scott Corfe

Work, education, skills and the 100-year life: How can policymakers ensure the workforce is ready for extreme longevity?

Longer careers raise important questions about the future of work and education in the UK – is our education system built for the 50-year career? Are workplaces and employers adopting age-friendly policies? This report focuses on the future of work, education and skills in the era of extreme longevity.
Published: 02 March 2020
Author: Kathryn Petrie

The impact of Insurance Premium Tax on UK households: 2020 Update Report

This Social Market Foundation report presents updated analysis into the impact of Insurance Premium Tax (IPT) on households
Published: 28 February 2020
Author: Scott Corfe

Strengthening employee share ownership in the UK

This report analyses the scope to promote wider individual employee share ownership in the UK, and the potential benefits of doing so.
Published: 10 February 2020
Author(s): James Kirkup, Scott Corfe

4IR and the Environment: How the Fourth Industrial Revolution can curb air pollution and decarbonise the economy

This report focuses on the role that Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) technologies can play in reducing air pollution and decarbonising the economy.
Published: 30 January 2020
Author: Scott Corfe

Beyond levelling up: the Conservative case for tackling inequalities of income and wealth

In a personal essay, Tim Pitt, formerly a special adviser at HM Treasury, argues that the government of Boris Johnson should give greater priority to acknowledging and addressing inequality of income and wealth in Britain.
Published: 15 January 2020
Author: Tim Pitt