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Media Release

Scrap ‘poisoned well’ immigration target

The Government’s promise to cut net immigration to tens of thousands is a “poisoned well” creating problems across British politics and should be abandoned, a think-tank has said.

Published: 02 July 2018
Media Release

Working harder but getting poorer: the economic lives of social housing tenants

People living in social housing in London getting poorer even though more of them have jobs, new research for the Peabody housing charity shows today.

Published: 25 June 2018
Media Release

Indian student visa decision is “act of self-harm”, think-tank says

The Government has committed “an act of self-harm” by omitting India from a relaxation of visa rules on international students, a think-tank has said.

Published: 18 June 2018
Media Release

“Robot judges” are coming – MPs need to set rules for them

Artificial intelligence systems will soon be able to predict – and decide – the outcomes of trials, raising the possibility of replacing human judges with computers, a new research paper has suggested.

Published: 08 June 2018
Media Release

New ‘Queen’s Award for Good Business’ proposed by minister

Companies that share their profits with workers and have a social mission should get a new “Queen’s Award for Enlightened Business Behaviour,” a minister has suggested.

Published: 10 May 2018
Media Release

Business leader wants “social value” overhaul of government contracts

Public sector contracts should no longer be given to the lowest bidder but awarded to “social business” companies that agree to share profits with staff and employ local workers, a leading businessman has said.

Published: 09 May 2018
Media Release

Disabled Londoners left behind in booming jobs market

Almost 400,000 Londoners with a disability are unemployed and in some boroughs only one in four disabled people is working, new research has revealed.

Published: 01 May 2018
Media Release

Warm Home Discount traps low-income households on worse energy deals

The £140 Warm Home Discount introduced to help people in fuel poverty can actually trap some low-income households in bad energy deals and must be overhauled, a new report says.

Published: 23 April 2018
Media Release

Half of white working-class and black British students in England get into university with vocational qualifications such as BTECs

Half of white working-class and black British students in England get into university with vocational qualifications such as BTECs, new research has found.

Published: 29 January 2018
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