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Measuring the Disability Pay Gap in London

This report, commissioned by Peabody, provides new insights into the lives of individuals living in London - in particular, with respect to their living standards and financial situation.
Published: 05 September 2019
Author: Scott Corfe

Falling off a Cliff

This SMF briefing note provides an update on the state of Britain’s coastal communities. Worryingly, it shows that the economic gap between coastal communities and the rest of the country has widened even more since our 2017 report.
Published: 22 August 2019
Author: Scott Corfe

Looked After Children the Silent Crisis Update

This Social Market Foundation (SMF) update assesses the current standard of care provision for looked-after children in England.
Published: 12 August 2019
Author: Matthew Oakley

Health, care and the 100-year life

A child born today has a one in three chance of living to 100. This is the first in a series of reports focusing on how the 100-year life may affect Britain’s society, economy and public services. This report focuses on health, care and medicine.
Published: 17 July 2019
Author: Kathryn Petrie

How sustainable finance can tackle the climate emergency

This collection of essays published by the Social Market Foundation think-tank and the Chartered Banker Institute focuses on green finance and the role that financial services can play in delivering environmental goals. Contributors include: Mary Robinson and Sir Roger Gifford.
Published: 01 July 2019
Author: Social Market Foundation

Leading skills: Paper 2 – Policies for strong leadership in Further Education colleges

This report, kindly supported by the Further Education Trust for Leadership, argues that a shift in mindset is needed to promote and strengthen leadership in further education colleges. Reforms to the system are necessary as well as cultural change in the sector and beyond.
Published: 21 June 2019
Author: Nigel Keohane

Pay Progression for Low-Paid Workers

This research report seeks to understand whether and how government can use tax and regulation policy to promote wage progression and career progression among low-paid workers. Experiences in the labour...
Published: 17 June 2019
Author(s): James Kirkup, Scott Corfe, Kathryn Petrie, Nicole Gicheva

Uncollected tax revenue – who is underpaying and what we should do about it

Dr Arun Advani, University of Warwick, has produced a paper on audits and tax revenue, as part of the SMF’s partnership with the Centre for Competitive Advantage in the Global Economy (CAGE).
Published: 11 June 2019
Author: Arun Advani

Back to the Future

This paper by SMF's Migration Researcher Jonathan Thomas, looks at lessons from recent history to illuminate the potential consequences of the UK Government’s proposed future immigration system in the UK. It draws four key lessons for UK policymakers today
Published: 16 May 2019
Author: Jonathan Thomas