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Recommendations from SMF Report: All immigration is local

...that the members of the New American Economy “coalition” include Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook.[ii] [i] APPG on Social Integration (n 50). [ii] New American Economy, membership list, March 2018
Published: 09 January 2019
Author: Jonathan Thomas

Fairer, warmer, cheaper: New energy bill support policies to support British households in an age of high prices

...public opinion to make the cases for this. Other parts of the project – including polling, workshops and focus group summaries – can be found on the project website:
Published: 08 March 2023
Author(s): Amy Norman, Scott Corfe, James Kirkup, Daisy Powell-Chandler

The impact of Insurance Premium Tax on UK households: 2020 Update Report

...change in the volume on insurance products purchased in response to IPT changes, reflecting the “essential” nature of key insurance products such as motor and building insurance. [2]  ...
Published: 28 February 2020
Author: Scott Corfe

Looked After Children the Silent Crisis Update, employment or training (NEET). This remains much higher than the NEET rate amongst all 16-24 year olds n England, which is just 11.1% Almost 25% of the adult prison...
Published: 12 August 2019
Author: Matthew Oakley

London coronavirus economy tracker – April 2021

...shift towards online shopping could lead to significant job losses in “face-to-face” industries such as retail, hospitality and arts & culture over the coming years. We estimate that such sectors...
Published: 22 April 2021
Author(s): Amy Norman, Scott Corfe

Clearing the air: Confronting the costs to cloud adopters of restrictive software licensing practices

KEY POINTS Cloud provides online access to services without the need for specialised hardware or software. It offers numerous potential business benefits such as agility, scalability, efficiency, and cost savings...
Published: 03 July 2024
Author(s): Jake Shepherd, Hari Menon, Bohyun Bang

Testing patience: Reducing the burden of the English school curriculum

...there is greatest dissatisfaction. GCSEs should be slimmed down. They should involve less assessment, and alternative approaches such as online assessments should be explored. The stakes of GCSEs for schools...
Published: 07 May 2024
Author: John Asthana Gibson

Data Protection and Digital Information Bill: A threat to fair markets and open public services rigged markets, giving them greater bargaining power. Online gambling customers have uncovered how companies profile them to maximise profits, even when they have stopped gambling. RECOMMENDATIONS The new ‘recognised...
Published: 20 March 2024
Author(s): Alex Lawrence-Archer, Ravi Naik

Weighing the pounds: The economics of public health intervention

...restaurants tend to generate a large of number of relatively poorly paid jobs; online gambling employs fewer people but at higher wages and generates exports. The economic costs associated with...
Published: 09 February 2024
Author: Aveek Bhattacharya
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