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The Employment Divide: Is it possible to simplify the distinction between self-employment and employment?

This paper looks at way to close the divide between employment and self-employment.
Published: 17 November 2016
Author: Emran Mian

Family Matters: The role of parents in children’s educational attainment

This is the fourth research paper produced by the SMF’s cross-party Commission on Inequality in Education.
Published: 10 November 2016
Author: Emran Mian

The Great Rebalancing: A sovereign wealth fund to make the UK’s economy the strongest in the G20

In this paper John Penrose MP argues that there are long-term and structurally-ingrained weaknesses in the UK's economy and politics, and that leaving the European Union creates an opportunity to ask fundamental questions about our future - including how we go about investing and saving for the future.
Published: 07 November 2016
Author: John Penrose MP

Striving for better: Welfare and a labour market that work for disabled people

This is the second in a series of reports by the Social Market Foundation that consider the Government’s ambition of halving the disability employment gap.
Published: 20 October 2016
Author: Matthew Oakley

Tough Gig: Tackling low paid self employment in London & the UK

This report looks at the growing problem of low paid self employment in the UK and offers recommendations on what the government can do to address this important issue.
Published: 18 October 2016
Author(s): Nida Broughton, Ben Richards

Moving Up: Higher wages for social housing tenants

This research looks at the employment challenges among a group in society for whom the economy has too often not worked: namely social housing tenants. In particular it looks at the challenges of low pay and ‘in-work poverty’.
Published: 07 October 2016
Author: Nigel Keohane

Dead centre? Redefining the centre of British politics

Working together, Opinium and the Social Market Foundation carried out polling in the second half of August 2016, asking voters to place themselves on a left-right continuum, do the same for a range of politicians and tell us their views on some top issues and policies.
Published: 14 September 2016
Author: James Kirkup

A switch in time: The evolution of Britain’s personal current account market

New report examines the evolution of the personal current account market in the UK and looks at whether banking competition has improved since 2000.
Published: 08 September 2016
Author: Emran Mian

Staying the course: Student retention at English universities

This new research examines student retention rates among higher education institutions in England and looks at whether a focus on student success can help increase course continuation levels.
Published: 06 September 2016
Author(s): Emran Mian, Ben Richards