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Closing the gap: Creating a framework for tackling the disability employment gap in the UK

Halving the disability employment gap is a challenging ambition that should not be rushed. This report sets out a range of principles for how reform should progress and a number of areas where specific reforms should be considered.
Published: 11 March 2016
Author: Matthew Oakley

It’s Prices, Stupid: Explaining falling crime in the UK

This CAGE briefing paper puts forward comprehensive evidence on prices and crime for a large range of goods, focusing on monthly data for London over 2002-2012. It finds that crime is responsive to prices across the large range of goods.
Published: 22 February 2016
Author: Mirko Draca

Locked Out: How property crowdfunding could help the next generation of homeowners

Property crowdfunding allows would-be investors to club together, through online platforms, to buy a share of a property.
Published: 22 February 2016
Author(s): Katie Evans, Nigel Keohane

Paying the National Living Wage

New research in this data pack, conducted by the Social Market Foundation, analyses the potential impact of the new National Living Wage rate on businesses across the UK.
Published: 15 February 2016
Author(s): Nida Broughton, Nigel Keohane

Longer Lives, Stronger Families? The changing nature of intergenerational support

Drawing on new public polling as well as long-run data, this report charts how the shape of the extended family has evolved over time, before going on to explore how the support given across the intergenerational family has changed historically and how it may alter in the future.
Published: 09 February 2016
Author: Nigel Keohane

Balancing Bricks & Click: Understanding how consumers manage their money

This report examines what the balancing act between physical and online financial services mean for competition, the provision of financial advice and financial inclusion.
Published: 28 January 2016
Author: Katie Evans

Back On Track: Reforming rail franchising

This report highlights significant failures in the current rail system – both in terms of its efficiency and in terms of responsiveness to passenger needs. The authors argue that we should look to radical reform of how we franchise rail services to deliver a more efficient and passenger-orientated system.
Published: 27 January 2016
Author(s): Nigel Keohane, Nida Broughton

Working Well: How employers can improve the wellbeing and productivity of their workforce

In this report we consider ways in which we can reduce stress and boost workplace engagement to help improve UK productivity.
Published: 25 January 2016
Author: Katie Evans

Educational inequalities in England and Wales

This briefing pack accompanies the launch of the SMF's new Commission on Inequality in Education, chaired by Rt Hon Nick Clegg MP, and contains the initial findings of the commission.
Published: 12 January 2016
Author: Nida Broughton