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Are regulations achieving their objectives? Post Implementation Reviews – why they should be done, why they aren’t done and how to get them done

Regulatory policy is often under-prioritised by governments, particularly when compared with the detailed focus associated with tax and spending measures. Even where a clear policy development process is adopted and applied for regulatory measures, it rarely has the same profile or attendant resources as applied to fiscal measures. This paper, with a foreword by John Penrose MP, highlights one aspect of this regulatory policy deficit – the lack of priority given to evaluation and ex-post review of regulatory measures.
Published: 12 December 2023
Author(s): Stephen Gibson, Krishna Kenche

RAMPing up? Lessons from TestRAMP as a marketplace solution for COVID-19 testing

TestRAMP established a marketplace to boost supply, availability and affordability of PCR testing during the COVID-19 pandemic. This briefing considers the general lessons learned from that experience and high-level implications for how to scale up markets in scarce critical resources, or ‘crisis markets’, in times of emergency.
Published: 06 December 2023
Author(s): Mike Hudson, Sam Robinson

Roads to recovery: Exploring UK prison rehabilitation and its alternatives

One of the primary purposes of the UK prison system is to facilitate offender rehabilitation. However, inadequate support and high reoffending rates mean it may be failing to live up to that ideal. Drawing upon lessons from the Netherlands and Norway, this briefing highlights the potential benefits of alternative approaches to rehabilitation.
Published: 30 November 2023
Author(s): Jake Shepherd, Niamh O Regan

Degrees of separation: The education divide in British politics

British politics since the 2016 Brexit referendum has been characterised by the emergence of a new divide, between graduates and school leavers. Education now has a stronger relationship with vote choice than any other demographic or economic variables other than age. This report, from leading political scientist Professor Robert Ford, explores the implications of the changing electoral landscape for the UK’s major political parties.
Published: 27 November 2023
Author(s): Robert Ford, Hannah Bunting, Ralph Scott, Maria Sobolewska

Insulating Britain: Examining the barriers and motivations to decarbonising our homes

Decarbonising home heat, which accounts for 14% of the UK’s carbon emissions, is essential if the UK is to achieve its target to reach net zero emissions by 2050. But current policies are falling short. This report explores what motivates landlords and owner occupiers to insulate their homes, and how to overcome the obstacles that prevent them from doing so.
Published: 24 November 2023
Author: Niamh O Regan

Top of the class? Examining the state of leadership and management in education

Education is strongly linked with economic success, yet education quality in the UK lags behind many comparable countries. This report examines the central role that better leadership and management have to play in addressing this, and makes recommendations for how the government can improve the quality of leadership and management in the UK education system.
Published: 16 November 2023
Author(s): Richard Hyde, Niamh O Regan

Getting the measure of transport poverty: Understanding and responding to the UK’s hidden crisis

As the single largest cost for millions of households across the UK, understanding the financial burden of transport is critical to decreasing poverty. Yet, unlike for energy or housing, there is no metric in place to track the cost and accessibility of transport. This report seeks to fill that gap by developing a measure to demonstrate the causes, locations and depths of transport poverty.
Published: 15 November 2023
Author: Gideon Salutin

Putting intensive farming out to pasture: Can alternative proteins reduce farmed animal suffering?

The market for meat alternatives has grown rapidly over the last decade, yet they still only account for 1% of the global meat market. This report, the third and final instalment of a series, investigates the potential for further growth in the alternative meat market, and how far these products can drive a meaningful shift in eating habits.
Published: 13 November 2023
Author(s): Jake Shepherd, Aveek Bhattacharya

The scale of the opportunity: How growing firms can contribute to the UK economy

Building on the findings of a previous report investigating the barriers to the expansion of ‘scale-ups’, this briefing digs deeper into the characteristics of ‘scale-ups’ and their significant contribution to the British economy, providing fresh evidence to support our recommendations to encourage scale-up growth.
Published: 08 November 2023
Author: John Asthana Gibson