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Five new strategic battles that could shape the first six months for Labour

One of the most common mistakes in political strategy is to be fighting the last battle, instead of preparing for the new one. With this in mind, here are five new strategic battles that I think will shape the first six months for Labour.

Published: 04 July 2024
Author: Theo Bertram
Media Release

New report reveals โ€˜low pay penaltyโ€™ for social housing tenants

...the UK’s largest providers of affordable housing with over 70,000 properties across the country. Our nine housing association partners provide desirable homes, sustainable communities and trusted services to around 200,000...
Published: 07 October 2016

Getting to a million homes

A million new homes in England over the course of this Parliament.

Published: 21 September 2015
Media Release

Social Market Foundation responds to Budget 2021

The Chancellor delivered the UK Government's latest Budget today - his 15th major fiscal announcement - setting out plans for the final stages of economic support during the Coronavirus crisis and the forthcoming recovery. The Social Market Foundation's response to the Budget follows below.

Published: 03 March 2021

The Civic University

Nicky Fairbairn, a Real Estate Partner and member of the Further Education team at International law firm DAC Beachcroft, asks Scott Corfe, Research Director at the Social Market Foundation, about the role civically minded universities will play in shaping the future of our town and city centres.

Published: 08 February 2022
Author: Scott Corfe
Media Release

Reducing problem gambling would mean more jobs and tax revenue

Reducing problem gambling would create more jobs in the UK and deliver higher tax revenues for the Treasury, new economic analysis shows today.

Published: 10 March 2021
Media Release

Press Release: New report calls for a revolution in retail banking

...apply for a banking licence. Emran Mian, SMF Director and the report’s co-author said: The most profitable customers for banks – the young and the affluent – are shifting online....
Published: 03 March 2014
Media Release

One in five U.K. employers has hired a Ukrainian, report reveals

One in five British employers has hired a Ukrainian refugee and significant numbers have taken on Hong Kong British nationals or resettled refugees, new research reveals.

Published: 25 June 2023
Media Release

โ€˜Suella is right about asylum system, but her ambitions need the Refugee Conventionโ€™

The asylum system needs change โ€“ but a new system which gives the UK more control and is humane to refugees is possible within the Refugee Convention, according to the Social Market Foundation in response to Home Secretaryโ€™s Washington speech.

Published: 26 September 2023
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