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Why this fuel duty freeze is different

Rishi Sunakโ€™s government has repeatedly committed itself to fiscal responsibility. Yet that rhetoric of discipline is at odds with reports that Chancellor Jeremy Hunt is considering the largest unfunded fuel duty cut in British history.

Published: 08 February 2023
Author: Gideon Salutin

The need for the UK to address lead poisoning

Exposure to lead is likely harming our health and our economy. In this blog, Lee Crawfurd makes the case for greater screening, tracking and awareness to address the 'silent epidemic'.

Published: 19 January 2024
Author: Lee Crawfurd

Ask the Expert – โ€œGuided by the Scienceโ€: the purpose of scientific advice after the Coronavirus pandemic

In our first UKRI-sponsored Ask the Expert virtual panel event, the SMF brought together three different experts to discuss the future of scientific advice in policymaking.

Published: 29 July 2020
Author: Georgia Herries

As schools return, vulnerable children must not be left behind

This blog reflects on our recent SMF Ask the Expert event, held in partnership with UK Research and Innovation, exploring the impact of the pandemic on vulnerable children.

Published: 12 March 2021
Author: Rhiannon Sewell

Upcoming fuel duty freeze will cost government over ยฃ20 billion and do nothing to alleviate poverty

It is all but announced that the Chancellor will continue to freeze fuel duty rates in the Spring Budget. But as the cost of the move to the Exchequer ticks up to nearly ยฃ130 billion - it's a shame that it will merely put money back into wealthy motorists' pockets, whilst also imperiling the Prime Ministerโ€™s goal of reducing debt as a proportion of GDP.

Published: 05 March 2024
Author: Gideon Salutin

The Work Programme: Why we should be worried by the DWPโ€™s overoptimism

Today’s NAO report on the introduction of the Government’s flagship Work Programme scheme to get the people back to work is scathing. While Chris Grayling said that it is based...
Published: 24 January 2012
Party Conference 2019

Labour conference fringe event 2019: Further Education and the Fair Economy

...her entire 2019/20 budget for adult education by 5th September. As a result the college had to turn down willing students, and currently has a 200-long waiting list for adult...
Published: 23 October 2019

Spending Review 2015: Osborne’s third way? Changing how we pay for the state

...levy of 4% on the revenues of the 200 largest law firms or 3% on the sector as a whole. That’s a hefty new tax, though Ministers may prefer putting...
Published: 23 November 2015

Spending Review 2015: Refinancing the State?

This is the first in a series of blogs that we will write in anticipation of the Governmentโ€™s spending review.

Published: 18 September 2015
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