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Social tariffs and the cost of living: Assessing the case for social tariffs as a mechanism to ensure access to essentials

As the cost of living crisis intensifies, there are growing concerns that the market is unable to provide affordable access to essential goods and services. This interim report investigates the depths of the affordability crisis and the case for social tariffs – discounts on products sold in free markets granted to disadvantaged consumers – as a means of helping those most in need during the current crisis, and beyond.
Published: 17 August 2023
Author(s): Sam Robinson, John Asthana Gibson

One year on from the Inflation Reduction Act: International responses to the IRA

The success of the US Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) has triggered significant changes in international trade and manufacturing, as other OECD governments have sought to imitate its approach. This briefing surveys international responses to the IRA to identify how the can UK take advantage of the opportunities in this new economic regime.
Published: 16 August 2023
Author: Gideon Salutin

Atlantic Aspirations: What does the US get for being a third richer than the UK?

Many have bemoaned the UK’s relatively low income compared to the US. This paper dives into consumption patterns in both countries to see how far this gap translates into a genuinely higher standard of living for Americans, and what the drivers of the difference in living standards are.
Published: 09 August 2023
Author: John Handley

Strong foundations: The value of regenerating social housing – and how we can pay for it

The UK’s social housing stock is in need of regeneration, as many homes do not meet the Government’s Decent Homes Standard and fall short of its energy efficiency target of an EPC C rating. This report models the benefits of investment in social housing regeneration, for the wellbeing of inhabitants, the environment and for local economies.
Published: 04 August 2023
Author(s): Shreya Nanda, John Asthana Gibson

Towards better science: More innovative and robust academic research

The productivity of scientists has been stalling, risking economic growth with it. This briefing explores ways in which government policy can address two great challenges facing academic science: falling research productivity and the trustworthiness of its findings.
Published: 31 July 2023
Author: Will Henshall

Carrots and sticks: Can governments do without public health regulation?

This is the first of three papers exploring tobacco, alcohol, obesity and gambling policy. It compares different types of policy approach, and concludes that more ‘interventionist’ and apparently politically challenging measures, such as strict regulations on availability and taxes, tend to be more effective.
Published: 27 July 2023
Author: Aveek Bhattacharya

Social mobility and its critics

Social mobility is more controversial than it might appear, with critics seeing it as excessively demanding, a cover for economic inequality, and inherently wedded to hierarchies of status. For Keir Starmer’s Labour Party, a conception of equality of opportunity based on opportunities for self-realisation, rather than social advancement, offers a way forward.
Published: 25 July 2023
Author: Aveek Bhattacharya

The sound of silence: Rethinking asylum seekers’ right to work in the UK

Debates on asylum policy – specifically on their right to work – have been at an impasse, stuck between extremes. To break the policy impasse of over twenty years, this report makes the case for taking a different, centrist approach to the policy around asylum seekers’ right to work in the UK.
Published: 24 July 2023
Author: Jonathan Thomas

NHS at 75: A Reality Check and New Priorities

The NHS’ long anticipated workforce plan is finally here, but it won’t be enough to reverse the health spiral of decline. This pamphlet outlines ways of trying to fix some of the NHS’ problems, by proposing much more devolution of decision-making on services, both regionally and locally, and with a bigger focus on population health and prevention of ill health.
Published: 17 July 2023
Author: Lord Norman Warner