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Fraudemic: Adding to the evidence base on the scale and impact of fraud on the UK

Fraud is being committed at epidemic levels. Yet the impact of fraud is not as well understood as it might be. This interim report looks to add to the current evidence base, outlining the key findings from a recent nationally representative survey and a specific survey of fraud victims.
Published: 12 July 2023
Author(s): Richard Hyde, Peter Wilson

A picture of health? Examining the state of leadership and management in healthcare

The UK’s healthcare system lags behind those of many comparable countries. In this report, we examine the role that better leadership and management can play in both lifting up the tail of under-performing healthcare providers and fostering more “outstanding” healthcare providers, so that healthcare outcomes in this country are much closer those of the best systems in the world.
Published: 03 July 2023
Author(s): Richard Hyde, Niamh O Regan

The Whole of the Moon: UK labour immigration policy in the round

With labour immigration to the UK scrambled by Brexit, the pandemic, and broader developments in the practical economy, this report focuses on the challenges of labour shortages for UK immigration policy in the context of the avowed political aim – of both the UK’s major parties – of a high-wage, high-skill economy.  
Published: 26 June 2023
Author(s): Jonathan Thomas, Aveek Bhattacharya, Gideon Salutin

Mutual understanding: The modern mutual sector and how to support it

Mutuality has a rich history, but it remains largely misunderstood. This report provides a comprehensive overview of the modern mutual sector, exploring its key opportunities and challenges.
Published: 22 June 2023
Author: Jake Shepherd

A duty of care: In-work poverty in London’s public sector

In-work poverty is not just a problem experienced by workers in the private sector. In this report, we explore the experiences of Londoners who work in the public sector and are living in poverty.
Published: 07 June 2023
Author(s): Jake Shepherd, Richard Hyde

Fair or fowl? The state and future of farmed animal welfare in the UK

The UK is a nation of animal lovers, but are we doing enough to understand and reduce animal suffering everywhere– even farms? In this report, we attempt to identify a working definition and practical measure of animal welfare to understand where we are as a society, and where we might be headed. It is the first of three reports investigating the likelihood and potential for alternative proteins to reducing animal suffering.
Published: 25 May 2023
Author(s): Jake Shepherd, Khazna Chami, Aveek Bhattacharya

We can’t keep heating like this: A fairer deal for heat networks

Up to 900,000 UK families living in heat networks (i.e. receiving energy from a source shared with other buildings) risk facing staggering increases to their energy bills, by 700% in some cases. Beyond the immediate crisis, there are long-standing issues with heat networks. In this briefing, Will Damazer sets out an ambitious plan to overhaul the heat network system and secure a fairer deal for all those living in them.
Published: 23 May 2023
Author: Will Damazer

Equity across the regions: The case for a British Regional Investment Bank

The majority of British equity investment occurs in London and the South East, with regional businesses largely missing out. To help close the ‘equity finance gap’, this briefing fleshes out the case for a British Regional Investment Bank – first made by the Gordon Brown Commission on the UK’s future – that can better match public investment and private sector expertise with businesses that have the potential to drive regional economies.
Published: 18 May 2023
Author: Aveek Bhattacharya

Managing it better: Can leadership and management improve public service performance?

The UK public sector has performed comparatively poorly for a long time. This review highlights some of the key ways in which the existing research suggests that leadership and management in the public sector can play an important role in helping bring about improvements in public services.
Published: 19 April 2023
Author: Richard Hyde