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Media Release

The Social Market Foundation reacts to the Conservative Party manifesto

The Social Market Foundation has reacted to the Conservative manifesto, as well as specific policies – including those on housing, cutting taxes, net zero and immigration.

Published: 11 June 2024
Media Release

Hundreds of thousands of families saving for the future will lose out under plans for Universal Credit

...Universal Credit mean that families with £16,000 or more in savings are disqualified. At least a further 200,000 families with savings of between £6,000 and £16,000 will lose some of...
Published: 16 February 2011
Media Release

‘Mutuals can meet public demand for responsible business’

Mutuals – companies owned by their customers and staff – can meet growing public demand for business to do more for society and the environment, a new report shows today.

Published: 22 June 2023
Media Release

Alternative proteins: Whitehall inertia means UK falling behind China and EU

Britain risks falling behind China and EU in making and selling meat substitutes and other alternative proteins because Whitehall lacks a coherent strategy for their development, a think-tank says today.

Published: 09 June 2022
Media Release

“Forgetting to call the plumber puts Net Zero at risk” – think-tank

Plumbers have been overlooked in the Government’s plans to end the use of gas boilers in British homes, putting the whole Net Zero agenda in jeopardy, a think-tank warns today.

Published: 18 November 2021
Media Release

‘Cut hospitals and deploy the private sector to save the NHS from collapse’

The NHS will collapse without “radical and unpopular” changes including reducing the number of hospitals, setting up treatment hubs run by the private sector and transferring power and funding to local councils, a former health minister says today.

Published: 03 July 2022
Media Release

PRESS RELEASE: Multi-bankers are the key to future competition in financial services, finds think tank least one financial product from non-bank providers, like online payments or P2P investments. In the report, Playing the Field: Consumers and competition in banking, the SMF finds that these...
Published: 16 July 2015
Media Release

‘Full-fibre broadband for all’ target at risk without major reform

A Government promise to deliver full fibre broadband to every home by 2025 is likely to be missed unless ministers make radical changes to telecoms policy, a new report warns today.

Published: 06 October 2020
Media Release

Press Release: A quarter of Brits reliant on cash from family members, report finds

...Notes: For more information or to arrange an interview, contact the SMF on 07885 264467 or The full report can be found at The SMF’s report is based...
Published: 09 September 2018
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