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Identity and influence: A role for the rule of law in strengthening British national identity and maintaining the UK’s soft power

The rule of law has a part to play in defining and reinforcing Britishness, an especially important task for a country facing questions about its role in the world and internal challenges over unity. In this report, we lay out steps to restabilising the rule of law in the UK, to strengthen internal unity and ensuring that it remains a key “soft power” asset for the UK.
Published: 19 January 2023
Author: Richard Hyde

Routes to resolution: Finding the centre ground in Britain’s immigration debates

Over the last 20 years immigration numbers to the UK have hugely impacted British political and public life. This report looks at the past, present, and future of these immigration numbers, from asylum seekers to overseas workers, and how they interact with politics and policy. It challenges common perceptions on both sides of the debate, arguing that those advocating for more open approaches to immigration should contemplate some tough compromises to achieve broader support for their aims.
Published: 19 December 2022
Author: Jonathan Thomas

A vehicle for change: Upskilling the UK’s technicians to service and repair electric vehicles

A key part of shifting to cleaner road transport will require replacing 32 million high-carbon vehicles with alternatives like electric vehicles. This report explores the key challenges is upskilling the industry to repair and maintain EVs, presents suggestions for what policymakers can do to support those in vehicle service, maintenance, and repair.
Published: 07 December 2022
Author: Amy Norman

Energy bill support: Designing policies to support British households in an age of high prices

Energy bills are expected to remain high for several more years, and are a reminder that we do not have durable and considered bill policies at a UK level. In this joint interim report with Public First, we set out a series of choices and challenges around the future of energy bill policy. It is part of a wider project commissioned and supported by Citizens Advice.
Published: 01 December 2022
Author(s): Amy Norman, Scott Corfe

Just a click away: How e-commerce can boost UK exports and growth

The UK has had an exports problem since the financial crisis of 2008, further compounded by the COVID-19 pandemic. In this report, we show that e-commerce should be a key focus of trade policy effort as it offers a route to get more small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) exporting, and how to remove the barriers they face.
Published: 02 November 2022
Author(s): Richard Hyde, Scott Corfe

Moovin’ on up: (How) can we use new technologies to improve productivity on Britain’s livestock farms?

British livestock farming has long suffered from low productivity. The post-Brexit era presents an opportunity to promote more productivity-enhancing schemes and clearer policy direction. This report looks to understand the benefits to farmers of using technologies such as precision farming, and how barriers to greater adoption might be overcome.
Published: 18 October 2022
Author(s): Linus Pardoe, Aveek Bhattacharya

Full Fiscal Autonomy: The democratic case for independent fiscal policy

Despite recent challenges to the Bank of England’s independence, this briefing suggests that over-politicisation is a greater threat to sound macroeconomic policy than empowering technocrats. It therefore makes the case for an independent expert body to guide government borrowing, to ensure more effective and better coordinated fiscal policy.
Published: 17 October 2022
Author: Aveek Bhattacharya

Social value roadmap for real estate

This briefing paper argues that the real estate and investment sectors must accelerate their journey from theorising about social value into widespread practice. It sets out recommendations for how designers, developers, the financial services industry, and local and central government can work together to maximise social value.
Published: 28 September 2022
Author(s): Scott Corfe, Linus Pardoe

Let’s talk about Towns: Building a better understanding of town vitality

Towns, less populous than cities, often fall by the wayside in policy discourse – particularly when it comes to conversations about the economy. We’ve developed the first-of-its-kind Town Vitality Report, looking at what kind of policy focus is needed to unlock the potential of the different kinds of towns across the UK.
Published: 22 September 2022
Author(s): Scott Corfe, Aveek Bhattacharya