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Media Release

PRESS RELEASE: Earnings key to solving Chancellorโ€™s Spending Review conundrum

...a high-wage economy, is available via this link: The report author, Matthew Oakley, is senior research at the SMF. Previously he was an economic advisor at HM Treasury. He...
Published: 19 November 2015
Media Release

Careers advice driving inequality in education, report shows

Careers advice and guidance risks entrenching inequality by steering people towards different educational and employment options according to their parentsโ€™ income and background, new research shows today.

Published: 01 April 2022
Media Release

SMF and the UPP Foundation to investigate continuation rates in higher education in London

The Social Market Foundation think-tank is beginning a new research project which will investigate the reasons why London's higher education (HE) institutions have lower retention rates when compared with the rest of the country.

Published: 27 February 2017
Media Release

London universities have the worst drop-out rate in England

Ethnic minority and poorer students more likely to drop out of English universities

Published: 19 July 2017
Media Release

Millions do not save any money at all โ€“ while those that do are missing out on billions of pounds by keeping money in cash

New report proposes ways to encourage savers to invest and put their money to work, along with new 'Britannia Bonds' and giving all fifteen year olds ยฃ1500 to invest for their future

Published: 08 August 2017
Media Release

Only 1% of SMEs are scale-ups, yet they contribute ยฃ500bn to the UK economy

Only 1% of UKโ€™s SMEs are โ€˜scale-upsโ€™, generating nearly ยฃ500bn a year, new research shows today. With 1 in 6 of them being in health and social work, and IT also dominating, it highlights the strengths and potential of the UK economy.

Published: 08 November 2023

Ask the Expert: Will the 2019 General Election be the death of the two-party system?

In the latest of the SMFโ€™s Ask the Expert series, our panellists were asked to consider whether the UKโ€™s two-party system would remain intact as we enter a new decade of British politics.

Published: 28 November 2019

As schools return, vulnerable children must not be left behind

This blog reflects on our recent SMF Ask the Expert event, held in partnership with UK Research and Innovation, exploring the impact of the pandemic on vulnerable children.

Published: 12 March 2021
Author: Rhiannon Sewell

The thin(ning) blue line

Increasing police numbers can reduce crime rates, and yet - as Richard Hyde points out - it is an aspect of policing that isnโ€™t as prominent as it should be. As crime will likely become more complex, Hyde calls on police and policymakers to invest in increasing police numbers, so that we can not only to stay on top of the current high levels of crime, but also reduce them substantially.

Published: 04 April 2022
Author: Richard Hyde
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