Professor Alison Wolf (Baroness Wolf of Dulwich DBE) is the Sir Roy Griffiths Professor of Public Sector Management at King’s College London. She sits in the House of Lords as a crossbench peer.
Her research focuses on the interface between education and the labour market, with particular reference to higher education and vocational education and training. In 2011 she completed the Wolf Review of Vocational Education for the Coalition government, and its recommendations were accepted in full. She was a member of the Sainsbury Review of Technical Education (2016) and the Augar Review of post-18 education and funding (2019). She was seconded to the No 10 Policy Unit as an expert adviser to the Prime Minister on skills and workforce from 2020-2023. She was the founding Chair of Governors and is currently Deputy Chair of Governors of King’s College London Mathematics School, a specialist state school for gifted young mathematicians, and is a trustee of the University Maths School Network.