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Media Release

The Social Market Foundation reacts to the Liberal Democrats’ manifesto

The Social Market Foundation has reacted to the overall manifesto, as well as specific policies – including those on housing, raising taxes, net zero and employment.

Published: 10 June 2024
Media Release

‘Scrap all pensions tax relief and NICs rebates, replacing them with ‘savings bonuses’, top pensions expert says

In a paper published today by the Social Market Foundation – a cross-party think tank – Michael’s tax-related proposals form part of a broader plan for a simpler, fairer and...
Published: 09 June 2024
Media Release

‘Labour can pledge to triple social homes built by raising £4bn through housing ‘fairness taxes’, think tank says

Labour’s pledge card should include a substantial expansion in social housing construction, funded by taxes on overseas owners, vacant homes and house-flipping, according the Social Market Foundation.

Published: 20 May 2024
Media Release

‘Police is falling behind private sector in using tech’, says Labour PPC Jake Richards

To honour its commitment to restoring effective neighbourhood policing, Labour PPC Jake Richards is calling on his party to create an agenda for law enforcement’s use of emerging tech and access to data.

Published: 10 May 2024
Media Release

‘Slim down GCSEs to reduce curriculum overload’, think tank says

While there is scope to remove content from England’s national curriculum, this is unlikely to reduce the burden on students and teachers without reforming exams, according to a paper published today by the Social Market Foundation.

Published: 07 May 2024
Media Release

Nearly 80% of gen z and millennials want a single pension pot for life, survey shows

New survey shows younger people favour of government plans for a pension pot for life, a new survey reveals.

Published: 26 April 2024
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