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Media Release

Covid unemployed need big new training package

Workers losing jobs in the pandemic desperately need a major overhaul of adult skills and training services to help them find new work and avoid falling into poverty, a report says today.

Published: 12 November 2020
Media Release

“Boiler backlash could derail Net Zero agenda” – think-tank

Ministers should urgently launch a major campaign of public education about the need to reduce carbon emissions from British homes by replacing conventional gas boilers, a think-tank says today.

Published: 02 November 2020
Media Release

“Cut ISA allowances to fund saving support for the low-paid”

Tax-free ISA allowances should be cut so money can be used to reward saving by younger people on low incomes, a think-tank says today.

Published: 18 October 2020

Social Market Foundation is looking for a new Chair

The Social Market Foundation (SMF), Westminster’s leading cross-party think tank, is looking for new Chair, to take the place of Mary Ann Sieghart, who is stepping down after ten years in the role.

Published: 12 October 2020
Media Release

‘Full-fibre broadband for all’ target at risk without major reform

A Government promise to deliver full fibre broadband to every home by 2025 is likely to be missed unless ministers make radical changes to telecoms policy, a new report warns today.

Published: 06 October 2020
Media Release

Minister: “To save the world from climate change, check your pension”

Millions of savers can take real action to address climate change by paying more attention to their pensions, a Government minister has said.

Published: 05 October 2020
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