Latest Publications

Markets are the best way to create and distribute wealth, but they don’t always work well for all the people in them. We research ways that sensible interactions between the state and the private sector can maximise growth and fairness.

Latest Publications:


Clearing the air: Confronting the costs to cloud adopters of restrictive software licensing practices

This report explores the costs of restrictive software licensing practices on the public and private sector. It reviews existing literature on the cloud, draws upon interviews with IT professionals who oversee usage of cloud services in their daily roles, and quantifies the potential economic harm resulting from these practices.
Published: 03 July 2024
Author(s): Jake Shepherd, Hari Menon, Bohyun Bang

Pensions: a vision for the future

The pensions landscape is complex and unsustainable in its current form. This report proposes a vision for a simpler, fairer and more sustainable pensions landscape, incorporating the three pillars of State Pension, workplace provision and personal provision into a holistic framework.
Published: 10 June 2024
Author: Michael Johnson

Up for grabs? Public attitudes on the pensions ‘pot-for-life’ proposal

The SMF recently published proposals for ‘member choice’ over pensions, whereby individuals can direct their contributions to a scheme of their choice. Meanwhile, the government is consulting on related proposals for a ‘lifetime provider’ model. This paper presents evidence on public attitudes to these proposals, drawing on a survey of workers, and two expert roundtable discussions on the topic.
Published: 26 April 2024
Author: Niamh O Regan

Beyond the comfort zone: How can planning reform boost housing supply and affordability?

Planning reform is of growing interest to policymakers across the Anglosphere as a way to increase the rate of housebuilding at minimal cost to the public purse. This report – the fifth and final instalment of our series on the housing crisis – looks at how effective planning reform is at increasing supply and how the UK can learn from failures elsewhere to ensure it succeeds here.
Published: 16 April 2024
Author: Gideon Salutin

Affordable living: Alternatives to the traditional homeownership model

High house prices are putting homeownership out of reach for many, but rising rents and insecurity of tenure make the private rental sector an undesirable long-term option. This report – the fourth in our series on the problem of housing – looks at the role social and cooperative housing can play and what the UK can learn from other countries.
Published: 11 April 2024
Author(s): Niamh O Regan, Jamie Gollings

Let down: Rental regulations, subsidies and tenants’ rights across the English-speaking world

The UK’s private rental sector has grown since the 1990s, but long term renting is still not an attractive option for many due to high costs and limited renters’ rights. In this report, the third in our ongoing series, we present lessons for the UK from across the English-speaking world.
Published: 04 April 2024
Author(s): Jamie Gollings, Niamh O Regan

Data Protection and Digital Information Bill: A threat to fair markets and open public services

The Data Protection and Digital Information Bill, currently at Committee stage in the House of Lords, is set to undermine vital rights that protect vulnerable consumers and help workers understand how they are monitored by companies and public bodies. The Bill is a threat to fair markets and open public services.
Published: 20 March 2024
Author(s): Alex Lawrence-Archer, Ravi Naik

Home economics: Financial policies to increase homeownership

Homeownership is a dream for millions in countries across the Anglosphere, but rising prices have put that dream out of reach for many households. This report – the second in a series on the problem of housing – surveys homeownership challenges and policies in the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and Ireland to understand what has gone wrong and how we might fix it.
Published: 19 March 2024
Author: Gideon Salutin

Dwelling on it: Housing crises in the English speaking world

Countries across the English-speaking world are wracked by a housing crisis that is pushing the matter firmly up politicians’ agendas. This introductory paper – the first of a series of SMF reports on addressing the problem of housing – provides an overview of the scale of the crisis in homeownership, private renting, social housing and homelessness across the UK, Ireland, Australia, Canada and New Zealand.
Published: 13 March 2024
Author: Jamie Gollings