Latest Publications

Markets are the best way to create and distribute wealth, but they don’t always work well for all the people in them. We research ways that sensible interactions between the state and the private sector can maximise growth and fairness.

Latest Publications:


Growing Businesses: Britain’s Productivity Challenge

Growing Businesses sets out the policy areas that are most important to address in order to fully exploit the potential of UK businesses. By providing an in-depth analysis of eight areas of public policy, along with detailed comparisons with our competitors internationally, it shows where the UK performs well and where there is room for improvement.
Published: 22 September 2014
Author(s): Nida Broughton, Ben Richards

SMF Briefing: Riders on the Storm II – Britain’s middle income households since 1999

This new, extended the follow-up to Riders on the Storm, goes back further in four year steps to capture how middle income households were doing in 2003 and 1999.
Published: 22 September 2014
Author(s): Nida Broughton, Onyinye Ezeyi

SMF Briefing: Pensions policy for the next parliament

With the Government and all parties announcing fresh reforms over the last six months, pensions policy is set to be one of the dominant themes in the lead up to the next general election. Drawing on past and current SMF research, this briefing paper highlights the most important points for discussion.
Published: 22 September 2014
Author: Nigel Keohane

Robbins Rebooted: How we earn our way in the second machine age

In this SMF pamphlet Shadow Universities Minister Rt Hon Liam Byrne MP sets out Labour’s vision for the Higher Education system post-2015 and covers important issues about the future of research funding and the provision of more technical qualifications.
Published: 28 August 2014
Author: Rt Hon Liam Byrne MP

An Age Of Achievement: The Social Market Opportunity

SMF Director Emran Mian argues that the social market philosophy is the voice of the radical centre: optimistic about the potential of politics, frustrated by fixed conceptions of public and private, and disdainful of short-term thinking.
Published: 14 July 2014
Author: Emran Mian

The Meritocrat’s Manifesto

Conservative MP Dominic Raab sets out a radical agenda to widen ladders of opportunity, smash glass ceilings and back the British underdog.
Published: 11 June 2014
Author: Dominic Raab

Riders on the Storm: Britain’s middle income households since 2007

In the years since the financial crisis, working age households have seen wage stagnation and rises in the cost of living, prompting widespread focus on the so-called "squeezed middle". This report looks at the reality of middle income households coming out of the downturn - using the British Household Panel Survey and Understanding Society to track specific households over time.
Published: 07 April 2014
Author(s): Nida Broughton, Onyinye Ezeyi, Claudia Hupkau

Branching Out: The evolution of retail banking

Branching Out draws on a new SMF/ComRes survey of bank customers and explores the potential for disruptive innovation and increased competition in banking through online and mobile channels, which has already been seen in other retail sectors, and the challenges involved in securing these.
Published: 03 March 2014
Author(s): Emran Mian, Cormac Hollingsworth

Mutually Assured Growth? Employee ownership and the UK economy

The PLC structure that dominates the UK economy has been criticised heavily for its short-termism and for excessive executive pay.This research sets out the economic case for promoting greater diversity...
Published: 28 November 2013
Author: Nigel Keohane