Latest Publications

Markets are the best way to create and distribute wealth, but they don’t always work well for all the people in them. We research ways that sensible interactions between the state and the private sector can maximise growth and fairness.

Latest Publications:


What if? A UK model for compulsory pensions

Published just before the long awaited Pensions Commission report on the future of pensions, the SMF working group’s report, What if? A UK model for compulsory pensions, explores how pension compulsion might best be implemented.
Published: 23 November 2005
Author: Social Market Foundation

What’s Right Now?

This collection provides a unique overview of the policy issues closest to the hearts of the Conservatives who will play a central role in redefining the party in the years to come.
Published: 01 October 2005
Author: Social Market Foundation

Increased Pension Compulsion in the UK

This paper was intended to provide the SMF working group on pension compulsion with a starting point for discussion and a preliminary agenda for its meetings.
Published: 06 September 2005
Author: Ann Rossiter

The role of property in financing infrastructure

The property industry is a major beneficiary of new transport infrastructure and, as such, the idea of attempting to ‘capture’ some of these raised values is an appealing one.
Published: 09 September 2004
Author: Ann Rossiter

The future of private renting in the UK

This report argues that the growth of the privately rented sector over the previous fifteen years has been a major success and that success has been driven primarily by market forces.
Published: 21 June 2004
Author: Michael Ball

A Modern Agenda for Prosperity and Social Reform: Opportunity, Security, Prosperity

This pamphlet is a speech delivered to the Social Market Foundation on February 3rd 2003 by Gordon Brown, in which he sets out his agenda for prosperity and social reform.
Published: 07 May 2004
Author: Gordon Brown

A New Regulatory Agenda

The growth of regulation in Britain since the 1980s has been haphazard but immense, spawning a profession of its own. Criticisms about costs and excessive red tape' are familiar.
Published: 15 January 2004
Author: Dieter Helm

Save our pensions

In this publications Peter Lilley argues that compulsion is the only real solution to Britain's pension crisis.
Published: 15 September 2003
Author: Peter Lilley

The Social Market Economy

In this paper, the Social Market Foundation’s first publications from 1989, Robert Sidelsky discusses the use of the phrase ‘social market economy’.
Published: 01 January 1989
Author: Robert Skidelsky