Latest Publications

Latest Publications:


SMF Briefing: The value of apprenticeships – wages

This briefing paper summarises early findings from the first part of the project, which looks at the value of apprenticeships to workers in terms of how much extra earnings an apprenticeship delivers.
Published: 07 December 2015
Author: Nida Broughton

Fixing a Broken Training System: The case for an apprenticeship levy

In this paper Professor Alison Wolf examines the Government's commitment to create 3 million new apprenticeships which will deliver the skills needed to boost productivity.
Published: 02 July 2015
Author: Professor Baroness Alison Wolf CBE

Venturing Forth: Increasing high value entrepreneurship

What more can be done by policymakers to encourage more of the type of entrepreneurial activity that has the widest positive effect on the UK economy – what we term “high value entrepreneurship”.
Published: 15 July 2014
Author(s): Nida Broughton, Kitty Ussher

Practice Makes Perfect: The Importance of Practical Learning

This collection of essays bring together some of the foremost thinkers in this field to look at the evidence and the challenges facing policymakers. Writing on topics such as which skills matter, why do governments treat further education students like children, and does the education system teach the right skills, the contributors address the issues central to raising skills for young people and adults to world standards.
Published: 27 March 2007
Author: Social Market Foundation