Latest Publications

Latest Publications:


Closing the gap: Creating a framework for tackling the disability employment gap in the UK

Halving the disability employment gap is a challenging ambition that should not be rushed. This report sets out a range of principles for how reform should progress and a number of areas where specific reforms should be considered.
Published: 11 March 2016
Author: Matthew Oakley

Targeting Immigration: What does a good migration target look like?

This new briefing sets out the case for scrapping the Coalition’s immigration cap in favour of the SMF's preferred new target - an aims to increase public confidence in the immigration system by 2020.
Published: 26 February 2015
Author: Ben Richards

Employment, Skills and growth

This was prepared for the All Party Parliamentary Group on Inclusive Growth event The Good Economy, taking place on Wednesday 4 February 2015.
Published: 02 February 2015
Author: Emran Mian

Disconnected: Social Mobility and the Creative Industries

A range of experts - Alan Milburn, Sir Win Bischoff, Stephen Overell, David Johnston and Paul Collard – offer their thoughts on why social mobility is so low in the creative industries, and how policymakers and the industry can improve it.
Published: 01 December 2010
Author: Ryan Shorthouse

Anglo-Flexicurity II: Insuring against Unemployment in the UK

This report outlines a fresh approach to national unemployment insurance, in which people can insure themselves against loss of income due to unemployment. It builds on the conceptual framework set out in the Social Market Foundation's earlier report Anglo-flexicurity: A safety net for UK workers.
Published: 20 May 2009
Author: Henry Kippin

The jobs crisis and what to do about it

This report uses data from two previous recessions and the latest Ernst & Young ITEM Club economic growth forecasts to estimate what might happen to claimant count unemployment and the number of long-term unemployed in particular.
Published: 22 April 2009
Author(s): Ian Mulheirn, Rena Menne

Flexible New Deal: Making it Work

In this report, the authors examine how likely the implementation of FND will be to succeed in four key areas: cost-effective commissioning; helping all jobseekers; preventing revolving door employment; and stimulating innovation in welfare-to-work provision.
Published: 04 September 2008
Author(s): Ian Mulheirn, Verena Menne

Angloflexicurity: A safety net for the UK workers

This report argues that government, in cooperation with the private sector, can and should provide a safety net for the vulnerable middle class to counteract this trend.
Published: 12 March 2008
Author(s): Ann Rossiter, Verena Menne

The New Demographics: Reshaping the world of work and retirement

The New Demographics: Reshaping the world of work and retirement analyses a number of false assumptions which underline our thinking about retirement and calls for a radical overhaul of employment and leadership models that will allow people to continue working.
Published: 16 May 2007
Author: Andrew Turnbull