Latest Publications

Strong public services are vital in a social market economy, but what they deliver matters much more than who delivers it. Our work is about understanding how to reform and modernise those services to deliver the greatest benefit to society.

Latest Publications:


More With Less – rethinking public service delivery

Public service reform has been on the agenda for years. But in the times of plenty, it has lacked the urgency or coherence that today's fiscal situation demands. This paper argues for a market-based approach to public service delivery.
Published: 04 April 2011
Author(s): Ian Mulheirn, Barney Gough

Budget 2011 (SMF Briefing Paper)

As the dust begins to settle on the Government’s much anticipated budget for growth, the Social Market Foundation brings you analysis and comment on some of the major announcements made by George Osborne today.
Published: 23 March 2011
Author: Ian Mulheirn

The commission on long-term care funding: A roundtable summary

This brief summarises the discussion at the roundtable, which included members of the Royal Commission on Long-term Care, the Wanless Review of Social Care and the Pensions Commission.
Published: 19 July 2010
Author: Social Market Foundation

Axing and Taxing: How to cut the deficit

This paper spells out the full range of measures necessary to fix the deficit over the next six years, by cutting public spending and raising taxes in a way that exemplifies social market priorities.
Published: 11 June 2010
Author(s): Ian Mulheirn, David Furness

Roads to Recovery: Reducing congestion through shared ownership

To overcome the political objections to road user charging this report recommends a 'voucher mutualisation' of the Strategic Roads Network.
Published: 09 April 2010
Author(s): Ian Mulheirn, David Furness

Prison Break: Tackling recidivism, reducing costs

A radical new approach to tackle re-offending with much less public money is needed in the decade to come. This publications sets out just such an approach.
Published: 21 March 2010
Author(s): Barney Gough, Ian Mulheirn, Verena Menne

Childcare Vouchers: Who Benefits? An Assessment of Evidence from the Family Resources Survey

How do vouchers fit in with other forms of childcare support that are available? How many people claim them in the UK? Are they typically rich professionals,or are voucher users representative of all socio-economic groups? How much does the policy cost the Government and how much will the recently proposed reforms save? All these questions and more are answered in this important and timely evidence paper.
Published: 29 January 2010
Author: Joanna Konings

Forecasting Independence: Taking the politics out of fiscal projections

This paper argues that the most appropriate reform to the institutions of fiscal policymaking would be the creation of an independent Office for Fiscal Analysis (OFA), separated from fiscal decision-makers in government, that would undertake all official fiscal projections.
Published: 08 December 2009
Author(s): Ian Mulheirn, James Lloyd

From Feast to Famine: Reforming the NHS for an age of austerity

The report examines whether new measures should be taken to manage demand for health services to relieve pressure on the NHS.
Published: 20 July 2009
Author(s): Barney Gough, David Furness