Latest Publications

Strong public services are vital in a social market economy, but what they deliver matters much more than who delivers it. Our work is about understanding how to reform and modernise those services to deliver the greatest benefit to society.

Latest Publications:


Local Control and Local Variation in the NHS: What do the Public Think?

This study shows that while people say they are in favour of a nationally based NHS, in practice the public supports locally tailored services.
Published: 04 June 2009
Author(s): David Furness, Barney Gough

Assertive Citizens: New Relationships in the Public Services

The report's recommendations focus on the appropriate direction of choice-based reforms, the future role of professionals, and the concept of co-production, which seeks to promote greater cooperation between citizens and professionals in the production of public services.
Published: 22 January 2009
Author(s): Beth Foley, Jessica Prendergrast, Simon Griffiths

The Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease

The Social Market Foundation brought together a range of experts to discuss the challenges and opportunities of the new cardiovascular disease screening programme. The discussion was led by Professor Roger Boyle, the National Director for Heart Disease. This report includes Professor Boyle's remarks, and a thematic account of the ensuing discussion.
Published: 13 January 2009
Author: David Furness

Public Service Broadcasting in the UK: A Longer Term View

This paper, with a foreword by Gavyn Davies, explores what this changing context will mean for public service broadcasting in the UK some ten years from now.
Published: 21 November 2008
Author(s): Kip Meek, Robin Foster

Shifting Responsibilities, Sharing Costs: The Mental Health Challenge for Welfare Reform

This study explores the significance of mental ill health for UK businesses and society, the benefits of remaining in employment for those with mental health conditions and the barriers to doing so.
Published: 08 October 2008
Author(s): Beth Foley, Jessica Prendergrast

60th anniversary of the NHS

At the 60th anniversary of the NHS, the SMF has brought together a range of stakeholders in the health service.
Published: 04 July 2008
Author: Social Market Foundation

SMF Health Project Background Papers

These background papers provide an extensive review of the literature on different aspects of health policy - from the implications of ageing to the reformed provider market in the NHS.
Published: 04 July 2008
Author: SMF Health Commission

Choice: The evidence

This report provides an evidence-based analysis of the effects of choice systems in public services. It brings together the research findings from a range of international and domestic studies on the impact of choice on provider schemes.
Published: 15 December 2007
Author(s): Ann Rossiter, Jonathan Williams

Finding a nicer way to value health: From hypothetical preferences to real experiences

Following recent controversies over the availability of expensive drugs on the NHS, NICE’s work in allocating the NHS’s spending on medical treatments is coming under increasing scrutiny. In this essay, Professor Paul Dolan challenges the methodology used by NICE to determine the cost-effectiveness of different treatments.
Published: 20 July 2007
Author: Social Market Foundation