Latest Publications

Strong public services are vital in a social market economy, but what they deliver matters much more than who delivers it. Our work is about understanding how to reform and modernise those services to deliver the greatest benefit to society.

Latest Publications:


Putting Patients In Control: The case for extending self-direction into the NHS

Putting patients In Control argues that it is time to end the institutional divide between health and social care that currently preventss self-direction being introduced into the NHS.
Published: 25 June 2007
Author: Vidhya Alakeson

Better But Cheaper? Reforming the Child Trust Fund

This paper therefore outlines a package of reforms to boost the effectiveness of the Child Trust Fund while cutting the cost of the programme by over two-thirds, or £388m per year.
Published: 15 June 2007
Author(s): Ian Mulheirn, James Lloyd, Rajiv Prabhakar

Do hospitals need to own their buildings?

General Health Co-operative (GHC) in Seattle has sold its last hospital. In future GHC will provide healthcare to over 600,000 people by using hospitals belonging to other organisations.
Published: 12 June 2007
Author: Social Market Foundation

The Future of Healthcare

Demand for health services has outstripped the capacity available to meet it since the foundation of the National Health Service (NHS).
Published: 16 May 2007
Author: Ann Rossiter

Generating Cultural Change in Public Health: Evidence and Effectiveness

This publications, the result of a conference convened by the Social Market Foundation in June 2006, brings together some of the most expert and considered voices in the field to explore the contentious issues around the major themes dominating the health
Published: 20 March 2007
Author: Social Market Foundation

Road User Charging: A Road Map

This publications makes recommendations for a road pricing system that not only reduces congestion, but is also: technically and politically workable for the UK; gives appropriate priority to concerns about equity; and allows for significant contributions to reducing greenhouse emissions.
Published: 14 February 2007
Author(s): Ann Rossiter, Jeegar Kakkad

Who Shares Wins? Transforming the public services with intelligent information

This report draws on a range of domestic and international evidence, and contributions from across the public sector, to explore and suggest policy solutions to the following potentially problematic areas.
Published: 18 October 2006
Author(s): Claudia Wood, Alexander Issac

Returning to its Roots: A new role for the third sector in probation

The report also explores how the reform and improvement agenda, involving an increased role for the third sector, could be taken forward. This includes an assessment of the current barriers and challenges to reform, particularly around procurement capacity, commissioning and a level playing field.
Published: 13 September 2006
Author: Natalie Tarry

Looked After or Overlooked? Good parenting and school choice for looked after children

This publications explores educational reforms that aim to place greater control in the hands of parents and increase choice within the school system, arguing they risk overlooking Looked After Children, or even increasing current disadvantage.
Published: 07 September 2006
Author: Julian Le Grand