Latest Publications

Strong public services are vital in a social market economy, but what they deliver matters much more than who delivers it. Our work is about understanding how to reform and modernise those services to deliver the greatest benefit to society.

Latest Publications:


Back On Track: Reforming rail franchising

This report highlights significant failures in the current rail system – both in terms of its efficiency and in terms of responsiveness to passenger needs. The authors argue that we should look to radical reform of how we franchise rail services to deliver a more efficient and passenger-orientated system.
Published: 27 January 2016
Author(s): Nigel Keohane, Nida Broughton

Switching channels: A more pluralistic future for the BBC

The debate about the future of the BBC is underway. There are many issues that run through it - how to pay for the BBC, how well it uses the money – though the most fundamental question is about its purpose. This paper argues that the solution is to introduce greater pluralism into the BBC itself and break the hold of a single view of how to do public service broadcasting with the funding provided by the licence fee.
Published: 15 October 2015
Author: Emran Mian

One More Time: Repairing the public finances

The current Conservative government is planning further public spending cuts to eliminate borrowing by 2018-19. This paper sets out the scale of the challenge ahead and what this means for how government should make the important tax and spending decisions needed to deliver on its commitments.
Published: 18 June 2015
Author: Nida Broughton

The Challenge of Antimicrobial Resistance: Lessons from the Past for the Present and the Future

New briefing paper on antimicrobial resistance in collaboration with the University of Warwick’s centre for Competitive Advantage in the Global Economy (CAGE).
Published: 29 April 2015
Author: Cormac Ó Gráda

SMF Pre-Budget Briefing: Spending Choices after 2015

In this briefing SMF Chief Economist Nida Broughton assesses the state of the public finances and the Chancellor's options in the lead up to Budget 2015.
Published: 16 March 2015
Author: Nida Broughton

SMF Briefing: Spending Choices after 2015 – Taxing Matters

In this briefing we assess the extent to which instability in tax revenues risks becoming an increasing problem due to the types of policies that the main parties are proposing ahead of May's General Election.
Published: 11 March 2015
Author(s): Ben Richards, Nida Broughton

SMF Briefing: Spending Choices after 2015 – Commitment Issues

The fourth paper in our 2015 Spending Choices series examines the spending commitments made by parties before the election; the effect of these commitments on other budgets; and, the purpose of protection or 'ringfencing' specific spending areas from cuts.
Published: 09 March 2015
Author: Nida Broughton

Putting Patients in Charge: The future of health and social care

All political parties now acknowledge the importance of more integrated - or person-centred - care. The challenge is now how to pursue this during the next parliament. This paper attempts to tackle how commissioning and funding would work in an integrated health and care service.
Published: 04 March 2015
Author: Nigel Keohane

A Problem Shared? Essays on the integration of health and social care

With contributions from leading politicians, experts and those on the front line, the collection sets out views on the future role of commissioners, providers, patients and family carers, and sets out alternative perspectives on future funding for the NHS and social care.
Published: 19 February 2015
Author: Nigel Keohane